Sevda Ozlem Sevda Ozlem

Present Simple negative for I/you/we/they
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will learn and the contracted form of do not, the Present Simple Negative for I/you/we/they do/don't. They will be practice positive and negative forms and word order to form a sentences.


Abc Word order Table
Abc Make sentences negative HO
Abc Yes/No questions word order HO
Abc Fill in the gaps HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Present Simple negative in the context of evenings and weekends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Questions and short answers in the context of evenings and weekends.


warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T-will put a picture up of a someone running will ask Ss Do you run? (using gestures to indicate running) Ss will then answer. (yes/ no) T will write on WB Do you run? I run. (how do I make this negative) -- I don't run. = DON'T is the contracted form of DO NOT. YOU run---(how do I make this negative?) You DON'T/Do not run. WE run---(and this?) We DON'T run. THEY run ---They DON'T run. T will ask ICQs I/you/we/they doesn't run? is that correct? (no) I/you/we/they run. is this correct? (yes)

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • Word order of the present simple negative

Instructions: Chest HO Individually/one by one I want you too take look at this chart and notice the word order. Then I want you to write the sentence in numbers 1 and 2 in the order that you think they go in. While students are doing this T will put up the chart and have the early finishers come up and tack the words in the order that they go in. FB: Fix errors and pronunciation.

Controlled Task (3-5 minutes) • Making sentences negative.

Instructions: Chest HO in this exercise you are going to be working by yourselves, one by one and you are going to read the sentences. You will check the ones that are true for you and make the ones that are not true for you negative.On WB ex: I phone my family everyday. I tick that. Do you phone your family everyday? (no) so you write "I don't phone my family every day." Now I want you to start. (are you working in pairs? no, one by one)

Productive Task (5-8 minutes) • Teach review ways to agree and disagree

Instructions: With the person next to you, in pairs I want you to check your answers and compare your sentences. On the WB, T will write *Me too./I don't. *Me neither/ Oh, I do. These are another form of short answers you can use. for example if your friends says " I go out at the weekends" you can say "Me too" or "I don't go out at the weekends, you would say me neither." Once student have checked in pairs T will call on random pairs and and have read their answers.

Productive Task (5-8 minutes) • Yes/ no Questions Short answers

Instructions: Chest HO we have another table and I want you to take a look at it and notice the word order in present simple yes/no questions. For example: Do you eat out a lot? We have Do+ subject + infinitive....(the rest of the sentences) Your short answer for that would be: Yes, I do or No, I don't. I want you to work in pairs and fill in the chart using the sentences in B. While students are working T will draw chart on WB and have early finishers come up and put the answers in. FB: We will make any corrections that is needed. Let Ss know that short answers are very common in spoken English. ICQs: Can we say Yes, I do go? (no) Yes, I do..We don't repeat the infinitive.(go) Can we say Yes, I does. (no)

Listening (5-8 minutes) • To provide a listening practice.

Chest HO and T: you will be working on this exercise on your own, one by one filling in the gaps with do, don't, or an infinitive from the box. . Before we start lets try together On the WB :_____ you____go out in the week? T-What do you think goes here? (Do/go) and then we have the answer: Yes, sometimes. We____ friends.(visit) Once done Ss will compare work in pairs. FB: T will play recording R3.6 and students will listen and check answers. Repeat and drill "Do you" pronunciation (dJu you)

Productive Task (5-8 minutes) • Provide and opportunity for the Ss to practice

T- Play recording one more time.In pairs with your partner I want you to ask each other A's questions and answer about yourself. Take turns asking A's questions. And this time Ss will answer about themselves. Have a Ss come up and demonstrate. Ss will ask T "Do you you go out in the week?" T answer "No, I don't. Y ICQ: Are you going to be answering for me? (no) Are you going to be answering for your friend? (no) Are you going to be answering about you? (yes) FB: T will ask a few students to read their answers.

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