Mehti Mehti

Things you like and don't like
Elementary, L1 level


In this lesson, students learn 'verb+ing' and some vocabulary related to interests and activities


Abc Handouts
Abc Handouts (b)
Abc Handouts (c)
Abc Poster

Main Aims

  • Writing and speaking. Students will be learning and practising the usage of verb+ing through WC and GW work.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary. Students will be exposed to some vocabulary (nouns, verbs, phrases) trough Solo and WC work for upcoming stages.


Warmer/Lead-in (9 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students are given some vocabulary on some interests and activities (noun, verb, phrases) and pictures to match in pairs. Then they are sit in a circle and same pictures with bigger size are given to each student. Then one by one each student raises the picture and others pronounce. They swap the pictures and do it again. In order to drill the pronunciation teacher additionally repeats it after each student.

Exposure (11 minutes) • Learning the meaning of verb+ing

Picture of a person, interests/activities and his attitude to them is stuck to the whiteboard. One by one teacher goes through those interests/activities and emphasizes the attitudes that are shown by emotions (animation). Asking questions such as 'does he like football/shopping for clothes' and pointing to the emotions and eliciting the meaning (doesn't like, like, love, really like etc.) and possibly the whole sentence. Then 'verb+ing' will be explained using the same examples.

Useful Language (15 minutes) • Getting them to use and practise TL by WC work

Students stand up and work as a WC. Sheet of paper is given to each one of them. Each sheet has a list of interests and activities (nouns, phrases) and feelings (possible answers). They mingle, find a partner and ask each other one question (do you like getting up early/classical music etc.) and write partner's name under the 'feeling' depending on the answer. Teacher will be involved into the activity too.

Productive Task(s) (10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing

Picture of a person from previous activity are on the board, but this time with incorrect sentences next to the emotions (attitudes). Line is drawn on the picture and students are divided into two groups. Each group will correct the mistakes by crossing out the wrong answer and writing the correct one. Students will be thoroughly monitored so that each of them could give it a try.

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