Ege Tuna Ege Tuna

Vocabulary lesson-adjectives to describe food, drinks and taste
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn the adjectives for describing food, drinks and taste. After completing two controlled practices, they will move on to the production stage (speaking) where they try to guess the food.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of adjectives to describe foods, drinks and taste in the context of daily life conversations about food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of food, drinks and taste


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets ss then gives instructions. T asks the ss to watch the video and think about what Emmy is doing and how they would describe the taste of baklava to an English tourist. T gives ss time to discuss then elicits answers. No error correction at this point since t focuses on fluency.

Presentation- Adjectives to describe food, drinks and taste (17-20 minutes) • To elicit and clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation

T divides the class into two groups and teaches the following adjectives to describe food and taste through a matching activity. T monitors then gives time for peer check before giving the AK. T asks students about the problematic words. T drills and asks CCQs IF necessary.For possible CCQs please refer to the attachment 'Language Analysis': Bitter- food with an acidic or sharp taste. Foods that taste bitter include lemons, almonds, rockets, and grapefruit. Crunchy- food that is fresh and easily breakable. Examples: corn flakes, biscuits, nuts, chips, crackers, pop-corn. Crumbly-food that breaks into very small pieces. Examples: Balıklıova cookies, bread Greasy- food that has lots of animal fat or food that has been fried in oil. Examples: French fries, lokma. (- connotation) Mushy- food that is very soft and easy to swallow. Examples: baby food, potato puree (- connotation) Savoury- food that is spicy or salty; not sweet. Examples: crackers, chips and other salty snacks. Spicy- food that has spices in it; usually hot. Examples: sucuk, jalapeno peppers. Finger licking- food that is very delicious. Tender- food (usually meat) that is very easy to cut or chew; not tough. Examples. Tandır, soft cheese. Gooey- food that is soft and sticky. Examples: honey, chocolate sauce, strawberry jam, melted cheese. Juicy – delicious food that contains a lot of juice. Examples. Watermelon, meat. Hot- 1)spicy food that burns your mouth. Example: chili peppers. 2) food or drink that is not cold. Examples: soup, tea. T then teaches the following adjectives to describe drinks through PPT and ECDW. For possible CCQs please refer to the attachment 'Language Analysis': Alcoholic- a drink that contains alcohol. Decaffeinated- a drink that does not contain caffeine. Fizzy- a sweet drink without alcohol that has bubbles. Light- a drink that has less alcohol or fat than other drinks Non-alcoholic- a soft drink that does not contain alcohol. Straight- an alcoholic drink that is not mixed with anything else. On the rocks- an alcoholic drink that only has ice. (wrong: on the rocks whiskey, right: whiskey on the rocks) Black- tea or coffee that has no milk in it. White- tea or coffee that has milk in it.

Controlled practice 1- Adjectives to describe the taste of food (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows the HO and instructs the ss to complete the gap-fill. T gives time for peer-correction after monitoring. T then elicits answers through WC FB.

Controlled Practice 2-Adjectives to describe beverages (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T regroups the ss then shows the handout and asks ss to complete the crossword puzzle.T monitors. Ss then check their answers in pairs. T gets WC FB

Production-freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T pairs and divides the ss into two groups "juicy, spicy,juicy, spicy". T instructs "spicy" to get up and face the windows while group "juicy" is tasting different foods and drinks. T then instructs group juicy to find their partners and explain them what they tasted by using the adjectives. t instructs group spicy to guess what their partners tasted. t monitors. Ss swap roles when they are finished. T monitors and if time allows gives WC FB

Production- Freer Practice (Back-up activity) (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(this can be considered as a back-up activity) t demonstrates and instructs ss to write the names of foods or drinks on stickers. The ss are not allowed to show what they're writing on the sticker. Then each student puts the sticker on his/her friend's back, who is sitting next to him/her. Ss are instructed to mingle and ask each other questions about which food or drink they are by using the target language. (Am I savoury? Am I bitter? Am I on the rocks?) T monitors and if time allows gives delayed fb.

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