tugba tugba

the longest journey
A1 level


In this grammar lesson,the Sts will watch a video in the context of space. Then, they will read a text and answer some questions related to the text. This will be followed by another activity in the book which requires Sts to replace the underlined words with the words given. After that, the lesson will go on with eliciting some adj.,comparative adj. and superlative adj. to clarify the form. Meaning will be clarified by an activity (drawing a star) After that, Sts will find the superlative adj. in the text. Then, they will practice speaking with a mingle activity. If there is time, they will compare their mobile phones through a group activity.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Superlative adjectives in the context of space

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of comparative adjectives in the context of space
  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about The longest journey in space in the context of space
  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of people, cities and cars


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students and activate the sts schemata

1. Ask Sts about their yesterday. Ask if they went somewhere or not and ask if they would like to go somewhere else. 2. Tell you would go to Algeria desserts to watch the sky through a telescope. Ask if they would like to see the sky through a telescope. 3. Show a video of sky and ask what they see in the video. Elicit 'planets and stars'.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Chest the book and Show the Picture on p.87. Ask what they see on the Picture and ask the name of the spacecraft that took that photo. 2. Put them in pairs and chest the book and show the activity 3 on p.86, and ask them to amswer thequestions with their partner. Whole Class Feedback. 3. Change the seat of a student (at the end of the row) to change the partners and put them in pairs again. This time they will have different partners. Chest the book and show activity 4 on p.86. Ask them to replace the underlined words in the sentences with the words in the box. Ask them what to do and let one student explain. Say Turkish if needed. 4. Do the first activity together if needed. 5. Whole Class Feedback.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. Show a Picture of a basketball player and elicit 'tall'. Mimic cold and elicit 'cold'. Elicit 'near, large' and write them together. Elicit 'beautiful and dangerous' write them together. Elicit 'big, hot', write together and 'ugly' and 'good, bad, far' together. 2. Elicit the comperative versions of the adj. and write only one ex. from each group. Elicit the rules for each group. Use different colours of boardbarkers to highlight the form. 3. Show Sultan Kösem's Picture Elicit 'the tallest' and ask Concept Check Questions: İs he taller than a basketball player? Is he taller than me? Is the the tallest man in the class or in the world? Ask them make a sentence elicit 'Sultan kösem is the tallest man in the World.' write it on the board next to the Picture of Sultan Kösem. 4. You have a picture for each group of adj. Show the pictures to elicit one example for each adj. group in this order: The most beautiful dog in the world, the biggest dog in the World and the ugliest dog in the world. Elicit and write the superlative forms of irregular adj. 5. Elicit the rule for each group. Highlight the form by using different coloured boardmarkers. Let them do the rest.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Give Sts a sheet of paper and ask them to stand up. Draw a star in the air and let them figure out what you are doing. Ask them to turn back and draw a star and don't show it to their partner. 2. Ask them to turn back and Show their stars. Get two of the students in the middle of the circle and let class compare their stars and make sentences like 'Barış's star is bigger than Eren's star.' 3. Take three sts in the middle of the class and let the class make a sentence by using superlative adj. Clarify the meaning difference between comparative and superlative adj. Clarify that we use comparatives to compare two things but we use superlatives if there are more than two things.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Ask Sts to underline the superlative forms of the adjectives in the text. 2. Help them to find the adjectives.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. Write '...................(beautiful) women in the world.' on the board. Ask them to make a sentence. Listen their answers and tell your answer. Say 'I think, my mother is the most beautiful women in the world.' Ask if they agree. 2. Give a card to each student and tell them they will make a sentence by using the prompts on the card. Tell them to stand up and talk to the people who has different colour of cards. They will listen to each other and answer with 'I agree' or 'I don't agree'. 3. Demonstrate one and let them do the rest. 4. Listen to their sentences and correct the mistakes immediately.

Free Practice (if time activity) (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Put them in groups and tell them to take their mobile phones out. 2. Ask them to make sentences about their phones. 3. Record the errors and correct at the end of the lesson.

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