Ahmed Ahmed

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practice the receptive skill of reading for gist and reading for specific information. They will start by learning new lexical items in the context of the theme of the lesson for ease of access to the text, answering a few questions. Then their reading practice begins for gist and specific information through different activities that should enhance their reading ability. Also, the students will learn a second set of vocabulary in context by doing a lexis activity. Finally, they will use the new lexis to tell an anecdote to personalize the new language learned from their reading practice.


Abc HO
Abc WB
Abc Cards
Abc Slips of Ex. 3
Abc Lexis paper slips

Main Aims

  • The main aim is for students to practice their reading skills: reading for gist and reading for specific information through the context of 'A day at the seaside'.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The sub aim is to develop their stock of lexis through reading the text 'A day at the seaside' and carrying out different vocabulary exercises and activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

'Would you love to be at the beach now in this hot weather, or at work?' After sharing some opinions, the teacher guides the introduction to the theme by encouraging (the beach), and asks their opinion of that. Now the four words: 'prospect of', 'sunburn', 'Irish setter', 'demanding' are tackled with pictures to derive their meaning for ease of responding to some questions soon. After answering each of the questions below, one student sticks a corresponding picture from the displayed ones next to the sentence that represents it. The teacher asks, 'Would you enjoy the prospect of a day on the beach during regular days, or vacation days? Why?'. Also, 'How about taking the kids, or would they be demanding?' Another question: 'Would you spend the whole day under the sun, or lay in the shade?' Why? Also, 'Would you take your Irish setter with you, or your friends?' Who would follow your orders?' Teacher can now quickly run a CCQ on the four words in a Yes/No question pattern.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Chest HO: Students are instructed to work in groups to discuss (a-c) questions to brainstorm more ideas on the topics of the lesson, 'A day at the seaside'.

Ex. 1-Pre-reading: Brainstorming ideas (5-5 minutes) • Motivation: to brainstorm ideas in relevance to the theme of the lesson

Chest Ex. 1: Students group work the activity and come up with a list of things that might spoil a typical day at the seaside. They write their list(s) on cards offered by the teacher under his monitoring. Then students come to WB and read all the cards posted on WB and clarify whatever is needed. This should increase their input of information and better prepare them for the next task. Students post their cards on the board because soon they will use those lists in Ex. 2.

Reading for Gist (4-4 minutes) • Sts practice reading for general ideas of the text

Chest: Sts read the text quickly to get the general idea of the text and try to summarize it to each other. Students will be instructed to finish each other's summary of the text. This activity makes everybody pay attention to what their friends are saying, thus making them learn more about the text in case something was missing.

Ex. 2-Scan Reading for specific information (8-8 minutes) • for students to practice their first reading sub-skills: Scanning for specific information

Chest: Ex. 2 Students are reminded that they are using their scanning techniques. From the text, they make another list of things that could spoil a day at the seaside. Once done, they need find common things between their own lists of the WB, and the new list they devised from their scanning. FB: teacher runs a quick check by asking the sts to mingle and check while teacher supports.

Ex. 3 Lexis check (5-5 minutes) • To further practice scanning

Chest: Ex. 3 Students take three slips (a-c) to answer separately in order to break the activity and give a boost to reading for specific information, rather than carry out a long and boring reading activity. It would not be interesting to FB (a-c) if done all together. PW-FB: Sts need to tell where they find the information and explain their answer if necessary.

Set 2: Vocabulary in Context (6-7 minutes) • Sts practice discovering meaning in context to develop confidence in their reading ability to understand.

Chest: Lexis: PW: sts are encouraged to find the meaning of vocabulary in context. They need to use their vocabulary skill finding context clues, which they have to explain, to discover more and build more confidence in their Teacher monitors and supports while carrying out the activity. FB: GW to check answers and further clarify meaning in context.

Comprehension Check (3-3 minutes) • To check general understanding of the text

Chest: Sts are asked to answer a few comprehension questions to check general understanding of the text. Sts need to find answers to the following questions: 1. Does the husband like the idea of going to the beach? 2. What do you think about the wife's idea of going to the seaside? 3. Do you think the English people like to go to the seaside? Explain your answer. 4. Briefly describe the 'toilet' incident. 5. Did the man go for a swim with his family? 6. Do you think they the family might go again to the seaside?

Free Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students get to personalize the theme of the lesson, A day at the seaside, and share as much information as they can think of to present to class on the lesson. The sts are reminded that they need to use the vocabulary learned form the lesson.

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