Hanif Jodeiry Hanif Jodeiry

Language Function - To be - Negatives (pl+sing), yes / no Q & A
Beginner, A1 level


In this lesson I will continue the previous teacher. She has already introduced the adjectives as well as the words related to people and places. It's going to be a brief exercise solving and filling the gaps.


Abc Gap-fill handout

Main Aims

  • LF - To be - Negatives - yes/no Q & A & short answers

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • to warm up the students to do the fill-in the gaps exercises

I will perhaps do a short review of the previous Reading part with the students and thenask one or 2 questions with "to be" and check the answers. Later, once they have an idea, I will ask them to look at their books and answer them.

Listening (5-8 minutes) • to check the answers in exercise 6 and to practice the pronunciation

I will ask them to listen carefully to the CD. Afterwards they will repeat. I may also ask them to write what they hear. Nobody seems to pay attention to the dictation. I just don't know if this is part of the starter level aims or not!!!

Board Rush (5-10 minutes) • extension of part 6

I will paste a paper containing some sentences on the board and then I will ask 2 groups of students to give answers to them and the first one to finish is the winner! (Following Jenny's recommendation)

Fill-in the gap (10-15 minutes) • filling in the gaps with the missing information from another students info

The students are going to practice it together in pairs

Personalisation (5-10 minutes) • To extend the activity a bit more

I will ask them to write, ask and answer questions in pairs. Then practice it together

Review (1-2 minutes) • to sum up the class

To review whatever that has been taught so far.

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