Tugce Erkmen Tugce Erkmen

Dream Jobs
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students practise their listening skills - listening for gist, listening for specific information and listening for detailed information- in the context of dream jobs. The lesson starts with a discussion about jobs. This is followed by a listening for gist task where students listen to people talking about their dream jobs and match the speakers to the photos. In the next exercise, they listen and try to find out what occupational problem each speaker mentions in his/her speech. Lastly, students listen to the recording again and answer 10 questions related to it. Apart from the listening practice, which is the main of the lesson, students learn vocabulary related to specific jobs.


Abc Photos
Abc Script
Abc Listening Comprehension Questions
Abc Photos
Abc Text for dictogloss
Abc Photos
Abc Script
Abc Listening Comprehension Questions
Abc Photos
Abc Text for dictogloss

Main Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about job related problems in the context of dream job

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of some job specific terms in the context of dream jobs


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sticks the photos of 5 jobs onto the WB. Then T elicits these jobs: restaurant critic, winemaker, model, personal assistant and window cleaner. Then T puts Ss into groups of 3 and gives each group a card on which there are 4 questions about these pictures: What are these jobs? What personal qualities/traits do people need to do these jobs? Would you like to do them? Why/Why not? What is your idea of a dream job? Ss discuss these questions for about 2 minutes. [W/C F/B]

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the recording and make it accessible

T informs the Ss that they need to learn some vocabulary to understand the recording they are going to listen. Target vocabulary: photo shoots, three-course meals, vineyard, frost, previously. T projects a picture which illustrates a "photo shoot" onto WB and tries to elicit the word. When eliciting is finished, T asks CCQs to make sure Ss's comprehension: Is it a special event or an ordinary event? (a special event) Do you need to make any arrangements before the event? (Yes) Then the word is drilled as a whole class by paying attention to the stress. Ss says the stressed syllable (PHOto) and the T writes the word on the WB and shows the stress with a different colour. T elicits the parts of speech (noun phrase)as well and writes it on the board. T projects the picture of the next word which is "three-course meals". T elicits the word and asks a CCQ: Is it served only in restaurants or can you have it at home as well? (You can have it at home as well) Then the word is drilled as a whole class. T elicits the parts of speech (noun phrase) as well and writes it on the board. T projects the picture of the next word which is "vineyard". T elicits the word and asks a CCQ: Can you grow grapes in a vineyard? (Yes) Can you grow any other type of fruit in a vineyard? (No) Then the word is drilled as a whole class by paying attention to the stress. Ss says the stressed syllable(VINEyard) and the T writes the word on the WB and shows the stress with a different colour. T elicits the parts of speech (noun) as well and writes it on the board. T projects the picture of the next word which is "frost". T elicits the word and asks a CCQ: Does it generally happen at night or during the day? (At night) Then the word is drilled as a whole class .T elicits the parts of speech (noun) as well and writes it on the board. In order to to teach the word "previously", T asks questions: Do you know Ferhat Göçer? (Ss: He is a singer.) What was his job before? He formerly worked as a.... (doctor) And T wants Ss to replace the word "formerly" with an another word(previously).When Ss say the correct word, T asks CCQs: Is it about present? (No. It is about past) Can you use "previously" for future events? (No) (If the Ss cannot guess the word, T uses hangman to elicit the word). T drills it and elicits the stress(PREviously).T shows the stress on the board with a different color and elicits the parts of speech (adverb) and writes it on the board as well.

While Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

T wants Ss to have a look at 3 of the photos from the lead-in part again. Ss listen to the audio and match the people talking about their dream jobs to these photos on their own. T asks ICQs to check Ss' undertanding: Are you going to work in pairs? Are you going to write anything? Are there 2 or 3 people in the recording? When the audio stops, T asks for the answers and corrects the mistakes if there is any. T explains the task and says that each of those people in the recording mentions an occupational problem and they need to discuss and try to find out what those problems are. When they agree on an answer, they need to write it down. Then she asks ICQs to check their understanding: Does each person mention 1 problem or 2? (1) Are the problems about their jobs or family? (Their jobs) Are you going to write the problems? (No) T puts the Ss into pairs and asks them to discuss their answers for 1 minute. When they are done with discussing, they go to the walls of the classroom and have a look at the pieces of the script to check their answers. In each piece, they will find the occupational problem of one person.

While Listening #2 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with a listening for detailed information task

In this part, T informs Ss that they will be given a HO on which they will see 10 questions about the recording. They are going to listen to it again and answer those questions. However, they won't need to write anything as they are all subject questions. They will just write the first letter of the people's names as an answer to each question. Then she asks ICQs: Do we need a name or a letter as an answer? Are you going to write a sentence as an answer? T distributes the HOs and answers the first question as an example. Then she gives Ss 1 minute to read the questions. Next she plays the recording. When the audio stops, T gives the answer key to a student in the class. This student first checks her answers and then 'plays' the teacher. S(he) comes to the board, gets the answer of each question from different students and tells whether they are true or false.

Post Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the listening and expand on what they've learned

T uses a dictogloss activity to get learners to practice listening, writing and speaking at the same time. T explains that she is going to read a text twice. For the first time, Ss just listen and focus on meaning. For the second time, they listen and take notes. Then T puts Ss into groups of 3. They try to write the text using their notes. T sets a time limit (4 minutes). Then T distributes the original text and the Ss compare their versions with the original one. ICQs: Are you going to listen or write something for the first time? Are you going to take notes for the second time? Are going to work alone or in groups at the end of the exercise?

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