Tugce Erkmen Tugce Erkmen

Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss learn about the structures to make future predictions through guided discovery based on a preview of a programme. This lesson starts with a video about the future world. This is followed by a reading text where Ss see the target language in context. Ss read the text and discuss in pairs what the programme is about. Then the T takes a marker sentence from the text and uses this sentence to introduce the target language, checks meaning and models the pronunciation. Finally, there will be some controlled practice and freer practice via a GW activity.


Abc Whiteboard, Projector, Laptop, Boardmarkers

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of future forms to describe predictions in the context of technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about the science of the future in the context of a programme preview


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • Familiarizing students with the topic.

T tells the Ss that they're going to watch a video and wants them to think what the video is about. T gets the answer that it's about the future world. Then T wants Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs: How does this video make you feel? Do you want to live in a world like this? T asks ICQ: Are you going to work alone? (no) Are you going to write anything? (no) When they finish, T asks a few Ss about their partner's feelings. [W/C F/B]

Pre-teaching of vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • Providing students with the unknown vocabulary

T informs the Ss that they need to learn some vocabulary to understand the text they are going to read. Target vocabulary: turning point, prediction. T gives examples from her own life to elicit the phrase "turning point". She says" I was worried about finding a job when I graduated from college, but then I started to work at a university, which was the most important event in my life. How would you describe that specific event in my life?" T elicits the word "turning point". She checks understanding by asking questions: "Was it a big change or a minor change?" (big change), "Can it be a positive change, negative change or both?" (both) Then T drills the phrase and tells Ss that the stress is on the first syllable of the word "turning", writes the phrase on the board, shows the stress with a different color and elicits that it is a noun phrase. T continues with the next word. T asks the question: "What's the name of the football betting game in Turkey?" and elicits "iddaa". Then asks Ss' another question: "While playing this game, you try to guess the results. What is this called?" T elicits the word "prediction". T asks a CCQ: "Can you predict past events?" The answer is expected to be "no". New vocabulary is drilled as a whole class. T writes the word on the board and shows stress on the second syllable of the word. Then she elicits the parts of speech and writes it on the WB as well.

Gist reading (1-3 minutes) • To get Ss to see the target language in context

T explains the reading task: Ss need to read the text on their own and find out what the programme is about. Then the T distributes the HO with the reading text on it and sets a time limit (1 min.). [W/C F/B] The elicits the answer: the science of the future.

Discovering the target language thoroughly (5-7 minutes) • To get Ss to comprehend the use/meaning of the target structure using a marker sentence

T writes the marker sentence on the board: "We will move from being passive observers of nature to its active designers". Then she asks a question to check Ss' comprehension of the structure ("Is this a possible or certain event?") After that, T elicits and writes the form on the board. Pronunciation of the structure is checked by drilling the sentence (backchaining). T put Ss into groups and distributes a HO. There will be some sentences from the BBC programme on it. Ss will read these and discuss the questions related to the meaning of the structures used in the sentences. Time limit: 3 minutes. When they finish discussion, Ss are going to come to the WB and fill in the rules that are reflected on the board using the projector. T checks the answers on the WB.

Controlled practice #1 (5-7 minutes) • To practice the new structures

T explains the task: Ss are going to be provided with a HO on which they are going to see some sentences. They are expected to rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets. The T gets the first one done in order to demonstrate. T sets the time limit: 4 minutes. When they get it done, T puts Ss into pairs again and they check their answers together. T gives the answer key to the Ss and asks for the mistakes. [W/C F/B]

Controlled practice #2 (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with further practice of the target language

T explains the task: Ss are given a HO with a paragraph on it. There are some gapped sentences in this paragraph and they are expected to complete the sentences using the options in the multiple choice test which is just below the paragraph. T sets a time limit: 4 minutes. Ss are given the answer key and they check their answers. [W/C F/B] If there are any mistakes, T corrects and explains them.

Freer Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with the chance of producing the target language

T puts the Ss in groups of three and then explains the task: Each group is going to discuss the same question: Which predictions in the text (the text in the 2nd controlled practice), if they come true, will be good/bad for the world? Why? T sets the time limit: 5 minutes. T elicit Ss' ideas. [W/C F/B]

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