ren vanMeenen ren vanMeenen

Shops and Shoppers
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will focus on reading, and speaking, about cultural and personal grocery purchasing habits. The activities are designed to both ensure various receptive skills in relation to reading but also to engage the students in application to personal, real-world situations. The lesson begins by activating schemata through an introduction using visual examples and a pre-reading activity about the related consumer habits of students and their countrymen that will also reveal what students might already know. An article about Britain's "national shopping cart" leads students to a three-part reading exercise that begins with a sub-skill of reading for gist, and moves into detailed reading practice and comprehension in the form of a true/false quiz and list-making. Vocabulary is checked and several examples of pronunciation are addressed and drilled. Finally, there is a freer speaking practice where students, in pairs, discuss (following the information in the reading) healthier eating habits in their country and in their own lives. Various interaction patterns are employed throughout the lesson.


Main Aims

  • Reading: comprehension and exploration of a real-world text and meanings

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking: conversation built on real-world text and practice


Warm-up/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

WELCOME and re-introductions (names) SEATING into horseshoe WARM-UP / LEAD-IN: Teacher shows in horseshoe and posts on WB three photographs: one of an empty shopping cart, one of a shopping cart full of healthy foods and one of a shopping cart full of unhealthy foods (printed from the internet). Elicits topic of the lesson by asking "What is today's topic?" Teacher writes on WB: "When you go shopping, what is usually in your basket?" Instruction: Each of you will write 2-3 items under healthy and/or unhealthy food pictures on the white board.

Pre-reading (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the reading through a text or situation

Teacher says, "We are going to read a short article about shopping habits in Britain. [Vocabulary check on "habit" through eliciting the word: "What is it called when someone does something regularly?" Form: "What are your shopping habits?"] In pairs [which T will indicate], discuss these two questions [on WB]": 1) What kind of healthy groceries do people in Turkey buy regularly? What kind of unhealthy foods do they buy? 2) What do you think British people might buy regularly? "One person will act as secretary. You have 5 minutes." At 5 minutes or when discussions wane, teacher says "Secretaries, write your answers on the board. Do not repeat something already written." When finished, teacher says "Let's look at the text to see if you are right." W/c: Quick brainstorm on title of article: "Checking Out the Check Out"

Whlie reading (22-25 minutes) • To expose students to a more meaningful reading practice

PART ONE Teacher chests article handout. Instruction: "Read the first two paragraphs of the article." ICQ: Are you going to read the whole article? When students have finished, teacher chests next handout. Instructions: On your own, answer the three questions on the handout. FB: When first students are finished: "Check your answers with your partner." PART TWO Teacher chests article handout Instructions: Starting from the beginning, read the whole article. ICQ: Where will you start reading? Teacher chests next (activity) handout. Then complete this true/false quiz. If you have vocabulary questions, first ask your partner. You have 6 minutes. FB: Early finishers will be instructed to check the answer key posted on WB and then instruct others. FB: When finished, teacher conducts a vocabulary check and addresses pronunciation including the linking sounds of the phrases "box of," "packet of" and "bottle of" and the /z/ that ends "matches" and "eggs" and "burgers" [on WB]. Pronunciation drill. CCQ: Does "eggs" end with the same sound as "less"? PART THREE Teacher chests next handout Instructions: Work in pairs to make lists of items in these three categories. You have 5 minutes. FB: After 1-minute warning, teacher says, "Let's see how your lists (on WB) compare to what is stated in the article. [Student name], come to the white board and show us what is the same in both lists? [Student name], add what is listed in the article that we don't have on the board."

Post Reading (5-6 minutes) • To allow for freer practice of productive skills

Teacher distributes images of empty shopping carts. Instruction: Above your cart, list what might be in your shopping cart in 10 years. You have 3 minutes. Students post results on WB/classroom walls. (Early finishers can review each other's)

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