Bella Bella

Bella Chich. Early bird or night owl?
Elementary, A1 level


In this lesson student will review adverbs of frequency and have some controlled practice. They will do the questionnaire to find out whether they are an early bird or a night owl, They will also do a listening task and know something new about Tanya (they have already done some tasks about her). They will some discussion using TL. They will play again 'Find someone who...'


Abc two photos of my friends
Abc Find someone who... handouts
Abc pictures of an owl and a bird
Abc Handouts with small texts about my friends
Abc adverbs of frequency cards

Main Aims

  • To provide practice, review and clarification of adverbs of friquency in the context of Are you an early bird or a night owl? (questionnaire)

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading and speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I attach two pictures of my friends to the board. They have different lifestyle. I give out the handouts with some information about my friends. The students work in pairs, Student A is reading about Murat, Student B is reading about Fatima. Then they tell each other about my friends. Then I attach the pictures of a bird and owl on the board. I elicit from them that birds get up early and owls do not sleep at night. Then I ask them with their partners decide, according to that information they have about my friend, what my friends are (Murat is an early bird, Fatima is a night owl). Then I will use the following CCQs to check how they understand the meaning of these words for example: Does my friend get up late? No Does he go to bed early? Yes Does he get up early? Yes (early bird) Does she get up at 7? No Does she work at night? Yes Does she get up late? Yes (night owl)

Pre-Reading (12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Reviewing adverbs of frequency. Before starting reading the text I will write 2 sentences on the board: Murat always gets up at 6. Fatima never gets up at 6. Always and never are highlighted. I draw a cline on the WB and elicit from the Ss where to put never/always. Then I attach other adverbs randomly and give Ss 30 sec. to discuss in pairs in what order to put other adverbs (usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever). Then I ask them to make 6 true sentences about them and tell their partners. ICQs: Are you going to write sentences? - Yes How many sentences do you write? - 6 Do you work individually or with your partner? - with the partner. Monitoring. Go around the class and MAKE NOTES of the mistakes.

While-Reading (10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Before they start reading I chest the text they are going to read and explain them what they are going to do. ICQs: Do you read the questionnaire? - Yes Do you you circle one answer? - Yes Do you work individually? - Yes First they work individually and chose the best answer that are true for them. Then I give out the answer key and they get the idea whether they an early bird or night owl. Then I regroup them and with their "new" partner they discuss what kind of person they are and why.

Post-Reading (6 minutes) • To practise TL that they have learned

I chest the next task in front of the student. I ask them to find and underline all adverbs in questions 1 and 2 of the questionnaire. I give them 30 sec. ICQs: How many questions are you going to do? - 1 and 2 What do you underline? - adverbs. Do you work individually or with your partner? - with the partner. On the WB I write two sentences from the reading text: I'm happy and I have a lot of energy. (always) and I get up before 9 a.m. (sometimes) and ask them to put these adverbs in the brackets in the correct place in these sentences. Then individually they do ex. 4a in their books. I give them 4 minutes, When they are ready I put them in new pairs and they have peer check and learn how much do they have in common with their partner. ICQs: Are you going to make this sentences true for you? - Yes Monitoring. I go round the class and help individually.

Freer practice (10 minutes) • To give the Ss more opportunity to interact with eacj other use TL of this lessonmore

They will be given handouts with sentences (find someine who activity) and they must to talk to each other to find the people who do those things from the list. I assume that they know how to this very task but they may forget how to ask question in order to find the exact person they need. so before they start mingling I demo the activity and we, together, practise how to form the general questions. Monitoring. I go around the class and make notes of the mistakes for the next error correction stage

Error correction (3 minutes) • To pay students' attaention to their mistakes and allow them to correct them on their own

At the end of the lesson I write down the mistakes they have made. In pairs they must correct them

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