Natalie Natalie

TP 7a
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be focusing on Functional Language in the context of polite requests. Students will be considering socialising and social customs in Thailand. This is the final of the three lessons.


Abc Polite_Request_answer_key

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students know and be should be able to confidently use functional language in the context of polite requests.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a controlled conversation based upon TL in the context of polite language
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a freer converstation in the context of polite language
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about polite requests in the context of socialising


Lead-in. (3-4 minutes) • Students to consider the what it means to be polite

Students to look at the WB and consider the 4 questions about politeness in their countries. Since this is by large a bi-lingual class, students to think about what is and isn't polite in Turkey in relation to the 4 questions. Teacher to hold WCFB session to gain understanding of what students consider polite. Personalised: Give students some examples of things that I have seen from living in Turkey and ask if they are local or world wide examples of politeness.

Introduction to polite request language (4-5 minutes) • For students to consider what language is used in public places such as bars and restaurant.

Students to look at picture on the WB. Ask sts to come and fill in the speech bubbles with suggestions of what sts think the people might be saying.

Listening to polite requests for language and innotation (8-10 minutes) • To listen for detail of polite language requests.

Students to listen to the recording, sts to decide who is talking and listen to what they are saying, writing it down carefully in the speech bubbles, the exact language used. Teacher to pause the recording after each request to give students time to write down the information. Teacher to play recording a second time, again pausing for students to check their writing. Check ICQ here: complete demo with the first example.

Listening for polite refusal language (3-4 minutes) • Listening for detail for polite refusal language

Students to listen to the recording once again though this time to listen out for the response. Sts to note down the three refusals used on the recordings. Hand out the answer sheet for both of the recording activities.

Vocuabulary definition match (5-6 minutes) • Students to match key vocabulary to appropriate use.

Pre-teach; a request for permission and a request. Complete CCQs for these two key terms. In small groups- Max 4. Students to sort the cards into request for permission, requests, acceptance and declines. Be very strict on time here as sts could take a long time deciding. Get sts to check each others before handing out the answer key.

Pre-teach Key vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • For students to gain vocab on polite requests

Pre-teach key vocabulary including: To pass something. To charge something. To lend something. To give someone a lift. To pick something up from somewhere. To tell someone the way. ECDW

Speaking and TL discovery- controlled practise (8-9 minutes) • Students to consider correct TL and used it in controlled speaking for accuracy

Explain to the class that the way you say these are as important as the words you say. Explain that over emphasising the language can sound sarcastic/fake or it can also sound rude- intonation is important. Give example and demo. Students to look at list of sentences on WB. Sts to decide how they could make them more polite using the TL on the WB. Complete demo as an example. Sts to complete task by speaking not writing. Complete ICQ before starting. Hand out answer key to each pair to ensure they are using similar or the same language.

Freer speaking (7-9 minutes) • For students to use new TL in their own personalised speaking activity

Students to think of a minimum of 4 requests to ask each other using the vocabulary in the WB. Students to write these down to improve their speaking for fluency in the freer speaking. Students to talk to their partner and ask for their requests polity, with polite refusals in response. Complete error correction in WCFB using WB. Extension: Get students to present to the class their conversations to demonstrate use of language and as a WCFB activity.

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