Kyle Daniels Kyle Daniels

TP8 LP - Kyle Daniels
Upper Elementary A2 level


This is a lesson on how to write an informal lesson about a recent trip you took.


Abc TP8 powerpoint
Abc google form / doc (see lesson plan)

Main Aims

  • To provide a lesson in how to write an infomral letter using proper terminalaogy and form.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of vocabulary in the context of travel.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • Create interest in the topic by asking quesiton about preference while traveling.

I will ask the students to think about the following questions. We will discuss their answers as a class. Where did you go on your last trip? Have you been there before? Do you like to travel with family? Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends? What do you like to do on a trip?

Text Analysis (10-12 minutes) • To provide a model of the writing and highlight useful language.

I will share an e-mail in which I tell my own uncle about a recent trip to Oaxaca. They will have 1 minute to the email independently. After they are done reading, I will use questions to encourage the students to inspect the e-mail. Q's What is this e-mail about? What happens in the e-mail? What is the point of first paragraph? And following paragraphs? Do you think I am close to the person I am writing to? Why? I will ask how they would define each part of the e-mail I will then reveal how each section of the e-mail is defined. As I reveal each part I will ask them to explain the purpose of each section. - Greeting
 - Opening paragraph
 - Main paragraph 1 
- Main paragraph 2
 - Closing paragraph
 - Farewell
 - Signature I will then ask about the tone: What is the feeling or tone of the e-mail? Would you say this e-mail is formal or informal? Why? After their response, I will ask for examples of informal talk in the email. I have some prepared if they are not certain. Examples in e-mail: Hey Brian!, 
I just got back, How are you? / Have you ever tried mole?, warmly Kyle I will then go into the differences between formal and informal language by asking for a more formal tone for each example they/I have given. I have examples prepared if they do not have answers. I will show them a series of phrases and ask if they the phrases are formal or informal. They will perform this independently for 3-4 minutes, and we will regroup to discuss their answers. I will then include a slide which has thing think about the informality of questions in e-mails. How are you?/Have you ever tried mole?: I will explain that is it not formal to ask questions in a piece of mail. Formal speak is typically more direct and does not ask such questions.

Productive Task (9-11 minutes) • To provide an opportinuity to practice writing a letter about a recent trip.

The students will then be give the opportunity to write their own letters / email about the last trip they took. They will be reminded of the structure before they start. This task will be completed in a google doc: Alternative form:

Productive Task (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to review each other's wiritng and offer correction.

The students will now take a look at their peers letters in BORs. They will be given a checklist to conduct this review, and offer corrections based on this checklist. 1. Is there a greeting? 2. Is there an introductory paragraph? 3. Is there one or more "main" paragraph? 4. Is there a closing paragraph? 5. is there a farewell? 6. Is there a signature? 7. Is the language informal? 8. Are all of the sections separated?

Feedback and DEC (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback and error correction on the work of the students.

I will offer feedback on the students letters in open class feedback.

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