Ralf Sp Ralf Sp



In this lesson the students will read a text and learn/practice vocabulary about "going out". This will also be the context they will deal with. First, as a lead in, we will chat a little about night life in Istanbul and I will pre-teach-elicit some words. After the first approach to the text (gist reading).they will answer general details. Then I will split up the students in 3 groups and each group will read one text (on pizza, discos, karaoke) and then answer more details questions. After the 2nd reading more detailed questions will be answered. (reading for detail). The last activity will be a controlled writing activity, in which they write an e-mail to a friend. I will then do some error correction.


Abc hand-out: reading - specific questions about the text (3 groups)
Abc hand out: introduction - general questions about the text
Abc 3 texts about going out (pizza, discos, karaoke.)
Abc hand-out: introduction - general questions about the text ANSWER KEY
Abc hand-out: reading - specific questions about the text (3 groups) ANSWER KEY
Abc images (eliciting words)
Abc hand-out: writing, 3 questions

Main Aims

  • 1: To provide gist reading practice using a text about going out. 2: to read for specific details

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide writing practice: the students will write a letter to a fictitious friend in Japan (controlled activity, because I give them the topics, they have to provide the answers)
  • To provide speaking practice (fluency). Context: going out in different cultures.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context (going out) and engage students, elicit new words.

I will start off the lesson by talking about Istanbul's night life and I ll show them some pictures: I will also elicit words-expressions such as: To bake: Eliciting: In Germany we have a lot of delicious cakes.. Before you can eat the cake, what do you have to do ? Do you cook the cake? No.. you bake it. CCQ: Do you bake in a saucepan? No. Do you bake bread? Yes. Oven: Eliciting.. The other day I wanted to bake a cake but I could because this “thing” in the kitchen was broken.. Do you know what it‘s called? (I will also show the picture) CCQ: Do pizzerias have ovens? Yes Where do you cook a “pide”? In an oven. BACKCHAINING DRILLING: TO BAKE A CAKE IN AN OVEN To unwind: Eliciting: The Celta course was quite stressful for most students. We need to relax after it.. do you know a different word for “to relax” … to unwind CCQ: can you unwind during a massage? yes Do you need to unwind after 5 exams in one week? Yes It is not my thing: Eliciting: I am not a good dancer. And, I am not good at dancing. I do not want to go to a club. I do not feel like doing it. It is not my thing. CCQ Do you enjoy doing it? No. Will you do it? Probably not. To hire: Eliciting: I do not own a car but I would like to use one for 2, 3 days. What can I do? (a different word for “rent” .. CCQ: Do you buy the car? No. Do you have to give it back? Yes.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will give the article to the students and ask them to read only the title and the introduction so that they get the general idea of the text. (ICQ: are you going to read the whole article? No) Then , I will give them the hand-out with the general questions and ask them to work with their partner. I will give them an example and then they will answer the 3 questions. Then they will compare it with their partner. I will give them the answer key so that they can check their answers.

Reading (for details, specific information) (8-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

The students will be divided into 3 groups (pizza, disco and karaoke) they will read their part of the text. (ICQ: are you going to read the whole article? No.) I will tell them that it is not necessary to understand every word. Then, I will give them the hand-out with the specific questions, give them an example and then they will answer the 3 questions. Then they will compare in their group. I will give them the answer key so that they can check their answers.

Writing - (Post-Reading) (8-10 minutes) • To provide the students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned. Controlled writing activity.

The students will now write an e-mail to a Japanese friend in which they will be able to use some of the words they have learnt before. I adapted exercise 5 (a speaking ex.) from the book: I needed a writing exercise,I changed the task and also added some Turkey-related questions. I will monitor this activity and use mistakes for the error correction. At the end of this exercise (if time permits) they can check it with their partner.

error correction (4-5 minutes) • to help students and correct (make them correct) their mistakes

During the writing and speaking activities, I will write down the most frequent mistakes and show them to the students. They will correct them themselves.

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