Eve Eve

TP6-Functional Language: I feel ill
Elementary level


Abc Face2face (Redston & Cunningham)
Abc Google Images
Abc Face2face (Redston & Cunningham)
Abc Google Slides

Main Aims

  • To provide functional language in the context of illness/feeling ill for fluency.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide new vocabulary and phrases focused on functional language, while providing the opportunity to practice the TL through reading/writing and practice speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students through the use of imagery showcasing individuals who are visibly not feeling well/feeling ill.

T will display slides 1-3 which will have visual text of individuals who are feeling ill and their respective medicines, such as a person holding their forehead in pain, someone crouched over hugging their abdomen (stomachache), image of inflamed tooth, image of a thermometer, etc.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

(Slide 4-5). T will share screen so that Ss can take pictures/screenshots of the slide, so that they are able to refer back to the TL. There will be additional examples and modelling by T, combined with the TL slides from the Exposure stage. T will elicit participation from Ss either by responding to CCQ via Zoom's chat box, or verbally, to the questions "what do you do when you are sick? what makes you feel better?" to ensure understanding of content as well as what "functional language" means, or when is it used. Answer key will be provided after Ss response.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

(Slides 5-11) After eliciting a response from the Ss regarding the general context of the lesson, learners will be shown a slide with a list of vocabulary and phrases relating to illness as well as potential instructions/advice given for each ailment scenario. T will elicit meaning from the students by choosing one example and asking Ss "what does this mean?". Once Ss have participated in providing answers either verbally, or via Zoom's chat box, T will provide models of the TL so that the Ss have an opportunity to listen to what they are reading on the screen. Then, T will ask Ss to read the first word/phrase chorally.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

(Slides 12-14; 17-18) T will share slide containing the TL and will elicit meaning from the Ss so that they have an opportunity to respond either by practicing speaking aloud, or writing in Zoom's chat box. Then, T will clarify the meaning of the text on the slide. T will then check understanding using CCQs: What do you do when you are feeling ill? CCQs: What does "I have a temperature" mean? CCQs: If I tell say "I have a sore throat" what does that mean? What would you offer me? (cough drops, tea, medicine). Once the Ss respond to CCQs proving understanding of M, T will then move on to form. T will display slide relating to TL and elicit Ss engagement/ response to provide general definition of functional language (when/how/why/where) it is used, e.g. someone needs to communicate that they are ill; advice/instructions someone would provide as a friend/doctor. Then, T will clarify F (as needed based on Ss response) of TL vocabulary and phrases. Prior to moving on to pronunciation, T will provide CCQ to check understanding of F. CCQs: When do we use this type of functional language? (real life setting; in relation to the context of the lesson, when an individual is iil and/or needs medical care). Once T has confirmed understanding of F, T will display slide of TL with sentences showing where the stress is as well as highlighting any linkage. T- will model and elicit Ss response and go over drilling chorally and individually, to check for general accuracy of P (slide 17-18). Lastly, T will ask Ss about appropriacy: Are these sentences formal or informal? (neutral)

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

(Slides 14-18) T will assign groups to complete CP practicing dialogues between friends. One example to be done together as a class. ICQ: What are we doing in BORs? T will assign a role-playing "friends" task to be done in groups in BORs. (5 mins). Then, will bring back to main class. Discuss and compare. Ask if they have Qs before second exercise.

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(Slides 19- 20) Using the same list of vocabulary and phrases, ask students to reverse roles/scenarios from friends to "patient and doctor". Ask if they have Qs regarding task. ICQ: What are we doing in BORs? Group Students into BORs. (5 mins) Return students to main class and have OCFB. Provide FB. Delayed error correction. (5 mins)

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