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TP5 "Speaking About Films and Plays"
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will work in their speaking. The topic revolves around films, TV, and plays. The content is focused on improving their skills when speaking about the topic.


Abc Full Materials

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversational in the context of Movies, TV, and plays.
  • By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to talk more fluently about a movie or play.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a lexis (useful phrases) and error correction (focussing on accuracy – DEC) in the context of movies and plays


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I. Lead-in (5 minutes) Example question: "Seen any good movies or plays recently?" Activity: Share with the class an example of a movie you have watched recently and your personal opinion about it. Then, invite students to participate in an open class discussion by sharing some examples of movies they have seen recently and their thoughts on them. Visual Aid: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1dQJEgCg2zjq8Fnr-TBaxaz4PjMomKyefxo3HYi0ZM0U/viewer?f=0

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

II. Model (5 minutes) Listening activity - Ex 2a from the book. Activity: Before playing the audio recording of Ritika and Gloria talking about the movie they recently watched, provide the learners with the questions related to the topic, as presented in the book. Once they have read the questions, instruct them to listen to the audio and take notes as needed. After the audio is finished, encourage learners to discuss in an open class format the answers to the questions. Questions: 1. What did Gloria and Ritika just see? Dream Train - new musical / nightmare train 2. Did they enjoy it? Why?Why not? Bad set boxes, actors were good, plot and music bad. Visual Aid: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1P7KnCNTanbadFz78Dpz-S7LrLgHuEuPlA14oXQNPyus/edit#slide=id.gc6f59039d_0_0

Useful Language (4-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

III. Preparation (5 minutes) A. Provide a list of useful language for discussing films and plays. Ask students if they have any questions related to the meaning of these sentences. After, drill through 3-4 examples covering the stressed word in each sentence. Useful language: "I appreciated the plot since..." Stressed word: appreciated "The performance was impressive, particularly during..." Stressed word: impressive "The visual effects caught my attention, for instance in the part where..." Stressed word: attention "I related to the characters due to..." Stressed word: related "The conversation was engaging and held my interest." Stressed word: engaging "The narrative intrigued me because..." Stressed word: intrigued "The character development was exceptional, as seen when..." Stressed word: exceptional "The cinematography was stunning, particularly in the shot where..." Stressed word: stunning "The soundtrack enhanced the mood, like during the scene when..." Stressed word: enhanced Visual Aid: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LUM4yGEC6kYf-H8SoLY1Q2mpT25DMGfsl1oPec08zsM/edit#slide=id.gc6f59039d_0_0

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

IV. Speaking (20 minutes) Allow learners to talk about the topics on p. 75 ex 6 & 7, preferably twice (switch pairs). Give an example of a movie you recently watched and use the vocabulary listed before sending students to work in break out rooms. They should take 2 minutes to write some sentences to share with their partners. Example: I recently watched the new John Wick as I like the first few movies. I really enjoyed the parts like when John Wick does hand to hand combat. The movie is very martial arts heavy like one of those Kung Fu movies. The main character has many great traits such as he loves his dog, he is a world class assassin, and he is a generally nice guy. Overall, it was a great movie as the good guy does not die. Activity: Learners discuss the topics related to films and plays, using the useful language provided and the sentences they have prepared in Ex 6b. Encourage them to express their opinions and experiences. Monitor their discussions and note areas for feedback. Take notes for error correction and feedback. Visual Aid: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wADuk3o3jyEJ-wihVqs_8TccOU8IRHODZ4wZJLe0f0w/edit#slide=id.p

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

V. Feedback (10 minutes) A. Provide learners with feedback on content and language based on your monitoring of the task. B. Address any common errors or misconceptions and offer suggestions for improvement. C. Encourage learners to reflect on their use of language and share any insights or challenges they encountered during the speaking activity. Visual Aid: Part 2 of previous exercise. Take notes.

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