Mariam Mariam

pre-intermediate level


in this lesson, students will learn new vocabulary about traveling and practice speaking


Abc •Handouts • Markers • Whiteboard • ppt

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary at the airport in the context of traveling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of traveling


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T starts the session by showing a picture from a famous movie - T asks ss some questions : *where was he? *do you remember why? *was he afraid of traveling? *who is like him? *who likes traveling? - T gives ss questions to discuss in pairs for 2 minutes *When was the last time you traveled? Where? With whom? *How do you like to travel? (by car - by bus - by train) *Do you have plans for the next summer? Where do you want to travel? - T asks ss about some of their answers

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T shows ss another picture from a famous movie and asks them : *where was he? (airport) - T tells ss that we are going to take words about things in the airport Using cecdw 1 - T shows ss pictures for the words 2 - T tries to elicit the words from the ss and asks CCQs 3- The words are : (check-in desk) CCQs : *do I go there to show my ticket and know where I will sit? (yes) (passport control) CCQs : *Do I go there to check my passport? (yes) *do I go there before the flight or before and after? (before and after, we go there before entering or leaving any country) (baggage claim) CCQs : *do I go there to take my bags? (yes) *do I go there before or after the flight? After (departure and arrival) imagine that we have a trip from Istanbul to Adana CCQs : *so the time 8:30 is it the departure time or arrival time? (departure time) * so it's the time that the plane....... (leaves) What about the other time it's the......... (arrival time) (cart) (elevator) (restroom) (Facilities) CCQs: *does the airport provide it to make the traveling experience easier or harder? (easier) 4 - T drills the words individually, chorally, groups 5 - T tries to elicit the form from the ss and highlight the stress 6 - T recaps the words

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T holds the handouts and tells them the instructions : Here we have 9 sentences, I need you to fill the gap from the words in the bracket, you will do it alone and you have 2 minutes - T asks ICQs : * Will you do it alone or in pairs? * how many minutes do you have? - T gives ss handouts and asks them to start - T monitors - T asks ss to check their answers in pairs - T conducts whole class feedback

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T gives the students the instructions * We have some cards, and in each card, we have something to talk about, each one will take two cards and discuss these cards with his partner, after you finish the two cards you will come here and take another two cards, and the winner the one who will have more cards - T models with ss - T gives one of the students one card and asks him to read the card ( talk about countries you visited) - T asks the student follow-up questions *which countries did you visit? Why? - T tells the students to do the same and you have 10 minutes - T asks ICQs *Will you ask your partner one question or more questions? (more questions) * The winner is the one who will have......... Cards (more) - T monitors - T asks each one of the students * how many cards do you have? - T says the name of the winner - T conducts language and content feedback

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