irem irem

10d: winter blues
elementary level


we will learn about the seasons and how to talk about the weather. we also have a reading exercise about seasonal depression.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification in the context of weather, seasons

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction reading practice using a text about seasonal affective disorder in the context of seasons


introduction (2 minutes) • getting to know the class

i will briefly introduce myself and ask the students to do the same

seasons (2-3 minutes) • vocabulary

introduce the seasons. first ask them if they know about it, then write the months on the board with their help. ask which months are in which seasons.

talk about the seasons (4-5 minutes) • speaking

ask about their feelings about each season and what activities they like to do. one season at a time. maybe learn some vocabulary. ask them which season their birthdays are in. talk about the typical weather in those seasons.

exercise (1 minutes) • vocabulary

match the seasons with the pictures. page 86 exercise 1. we will do it together

pair work (1-2 minutes) • speaking

first show them how to ask and answer. then make them work in pairs ask and ask each other about your favorite seasons and why.

vocabulary before the text (2-3 minutes) • vocabulary

learn about these words: depressed, scientist, a box, bright, light, sad

reading the first paragraph (2-3 minutes) • reading

ask them to read the first paragraph. why does the woman have a light on her desk? then discuss.

read the whole article (5-6 minutes) • looking for specific information

ask them to reread the whole article and answer the questions. then compare your answers with your partner.

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