Ozan Arif Ozan Arif

Speaking Lesson Plan
Elementary - A2 level


Students identify animals and habitats and read a text about animal abilities to complete a quiz. They are then introduced to comparative forms of adjectives and activate this language by discussing and explaining their preferences. There is a short optional extension activity relating to the pronunciation of stressed and weak forms in comparative sentences.


Abc Adjective Flashcards
Abc Animal Flashcards

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Animals and Usage of Comparative Sentences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To use comparatives in a conversation and producing comparative sentences in a correct order.


Warm-Up Stage (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will review the context by asking some questions to the students like "What is your favourite animal? Why?" , "Which animal would you want as a pet? Why?".

Pre-Speaking Stage (10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher shows and introduce the animal flashcards to students. Asks the names of some animals and asks either they are wild or not.

While-Speaking Stage (20 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

The teacher hands over 2 animal cards and one adjective flashcard to a student who volunteer or to the student who is chosen by the teacher. The teacher asks the student to make up a logical sentence by using the chosen adjective and animals. If the answer is correct, teacher says thanks. If not, teacher asks the other students to retry the exercise. If the correct sentence doesn't come up by students, the teacher writes the sentence to the board in correct order.

Post-Speaking Stage (10 minutes) • To help the students enhance their writing skills in the context of comparatives and animals.

The teacher collects the flashcards back and starts to ask questions to students about their pets and wants them to describe an animal they choose.

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