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Canadian Identities reflected in farmars market
B2 level


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Main Aims

  • To present the final product: To explore and analyze cultural elements of the Seaport Farmers Market that reflect Canadian and Nova Scotian identities. To use language skills to communicate with vendors and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of the market's products and traditions. To develop cultural awareness and understanding of Canadian and Nova Scotian identities. To reflect on personal experiences and learning and share them with the community.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Improve vocabulary skills


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Showing a picture of a Halifax Seaport Farmers' market asking the students to share their thoughts and experiences about it. Ask the students what they think farmers' markets reflect about Canadian identities.

Exposure (15-25 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Go to the Halifax Farmers' Market website ( and choose one vendor that you are interested in. Spend 15 minutes exploring one of the vendor's section on the website. Read about the vendor's mission statement and the types of produce they offer. Take notes on the unique features of the vendor, such as the types of products they sell and any cultural or historical significance behind them. Use language to describe what you learn, paying attention to cultural details and nuances. Your teacher will provide you with useful words and phrases to use. Write a short paragraph about what you learned, including information about the vendor's produce, mission, and unique features. Share your findings with your classmates and discuss the cultural and social significance of the vendor and their products.

Planning (15-25 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan students' reports

Introduce learners the objective of this task is to explore the Seaport Farmers Market and analyze how it reflects Canadian and Nova Scotian identities. They should use describe, analyze and evaluate model in order to write their reports and reflections for the blog. Elicit the following questions from learners How do you think the Seaport Farmers Market reflects Canadian and Nova Scotian identities? Have you ever explored cultural elements of a market before? If so, can you share your experience? If not, what would you like to learn? What language skills do you think will be useful when exploring the market and speaking with vendors? Can you think of any words or phrases that might be important to know? What challenges do you think you might face when exploring the market and speaking with vendors? How can you overcome these challenges? Useful phrases : "I'm particularly interested in the cultural significance of this dish. Could you tell me more about its origins and how it's prepared?" "As someone who's interested in Canadian and Nova Scotian culture, I'm curious about the cultural elements that are reflected in your products." "Based on my research, I understand that this craft has a long history in Nova Scotia. Could you share some of that history with me?" "I appreciate your recommendation. However, I'm also interested in exploring other options before making my final decision."

Demo (20-25 minutes) • Elicit cultural and linguistic sensitivness , elicit useful phrases

Demo: Vlog recorded by Andy Who could be used to encourage to be culturally sensitive in shooting their Vlogs. Teacher should elicit culturally sensitive language and behavior in Farmers’ market and guide them in following elements: Pre, While, and Post Shooting Interview techniques Language Responses Legality

Create a Blog (5-8 minutes) • Go through the details and answer students' questions

Follow the following steps in your final task: Begin by describing the Seaport Farmers Market and its significance in Halifax. Look up information about the market and write a paragraph or two describing its history, location, and purpose. Visit the market and speak with vendors to learn more about the cultural elements found at the market, including the food, crafts, and traditions that reflect Canadian and Nova Scotian identities. Analyze the cultural significance of these elements, discussing why they are important to Canadian and Nova Scotian culture. Research the cultural significance of the elements you observed and write a paragraph explaining their importance. Evaluate the impact that exploring these cultural elements had on your understanding of Canadian and Nova Scotian identities. Evaluate why people choose to sell their produce at farmers markets. Is it a result of economic hardship, a desire to support local agriculture, or some other reason? Research this question and write a paragraph explaining your findings. Include personal reflections on your experience exploring the market and its cultural elements. Write a paragraph or two discussing your personal experience exploring the market, speaking with vendors, and how it made you feel. Conclude the blog post by summarizing your overall experience and what you took away from it. Write a concluding paragraph summarizing your overall experience exploring the market and what you learned from it, including any new language skills you acquired. Record your experience and make 2 minutes vlog.

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