Erhan Gülşen Erhan Gülşen

Erhan Gülşen - Vocabulary - Time Phrases
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to choose the correct preposition or whether to use the adjective "every" to form time phrases through different activities, such as pair-work and group work besides using speaking skills and grammar knowledge to develop their productive skills.


Abc Matching Hand-out
Abc Sticker Sheets and Preposition Sheet
Abc Time words on A4 Paper Sheets
Abc Colorful A4 Paper Sheets with Time Words
Abc Speaking Exercise
Abc Preposition Chart

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of time phrases that are used with the prepositions "at", "in" and "on" and the adjective "every" in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of the present simple tense
  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a converstation in the context of time phrases
  • To provide review of time words in the context of daily routines


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To ask the SS some questions in Simple Present Tense, which they have just learned by using the time phrases. The questions will inquire the time phrases of the sentences and so the SS will answer them by having to use them. The questions will be answered by volunteers.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

To tell the SS to match the short sentences which include daily routine activities with the corresponding time phrase in pairs. (Use of demonstration to help them understand the instructions better, and raising ICOs as well) To elicit the prepositions or the adjective "every" from the SS (This will help them to be exposed more to the lesson because the sentences are formed in Simple Present Tense and include exactly the same words they learned in the previous lessons. (Monitoring) After the two-minute pair work, the teacher will match the sentences with the time phrases on the WB, which lack their prepositions or the adjective "every". ) .

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

To fill in the gaps on the WB with the correct preposition or the adjective "every" and clarify which time word to use them with. To divide the SS into two groups as "morning" and "evening" and to give them the stickers on which the time words are written. To demonstrate and tell in very short sentences that they should stick them under the right sheets of paper with the prepositions written on them, which are all hung on the wall opposite the WB. This group work will help them check whether they have learned which preposition to choose or whether to use "every" or not in a collaborative way. This will help the early beginners to get help from stronger their partners. (Monitoring) To give the SS the worksheet on which each time word is categorized correctly under the corresponding category. (This will help those who prefer to learn the words by reading.)

Productive Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

To tell the students to close their preposition charts and show the divided SS groups some colourful A4 papers alternately, on which some important phrases are written, and ask them to tell the prepositions they take or whether they can be used with "every". This task has been set as a game and there will be a chart on the WB and the group that has got the most crosses (mistakes) will be the loser. The teacher will not speak during the game; he will only change the cards and put the crosses. To divide the SS in three groups as "morning", "afternoon" and "evening" and give each student in the groups a HO, which includes a questionnaire chart. (The SS will first circle the correct prepositions in five phrases. Each student group will be assigned five different sentences so this will require an efficient monitoring. These five phrases are parts of the sentences which have no subjects and whose verbs are in plural form. After the SS has completed the first task in two minutes, the teacher will tell them to stand up and form questions with the uncompleted sentences by adding "Do you...?" at the beginning and find two persons to answer those questions positively. The SS then write these SS' names down and tell the class about them.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

To give feedback and correct the errors if there is any as long as the time permits

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