Sariyya Abdullayeva Sariyya Abdullayeva

upper-ıntermediate level


This lesson focuses on vocabulary learning and practice. The lesson starts with the students trying to guess what each picture represents and weather each thing makes them feel good or bad. This is followed by completion task where students are expected to fill a gap with the right letter to complete a word with noun/gerund form. Finally, there is freer productive (speaking) activity where students discuss their attitude toward the previous exercise and semi-controlled productive( writing) activity where students are asked to complete sentences with the things that makes them fell goo/bad.


Abc Pictures
Abc Answer keys
Abc word completion
Abc sentence completion

Main Aims

  • To provide review, practice and clarification of lifestyle in the context of what makes you feel good/ bad. By the end of the lesson the students should be better able to use new vocabulary correctly and fluently.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of what makes them feel good/bad
  • To provide product writing practice of a a paragraph in the context of what makes you fell good/bad


Lead in (5-6 minutes) • to introduce the context of the lesson

The students will be given a sheet including pictures about friendship, unhealthy food or shopping. They are expected to discuss these pictures in groups and try to guess the context of the lesson. After few minutes the teacher will ask about the group’s opinion, by giving them clue questions in order to lead them to the topic of the lesson.

(12-13 minutes) • Controlled activity ( Introduction and practice of vocabulary for accuracy)

The teacher before handing out the sheets including the next activity explains what they are going to do and ask ICQs in order to make instructions clear. Then she will hand the sheet and do some demo with the students as an example. First they will do the activity in pairs then will check in groups, trying come up with right answer. During the activity the teacher will walk and monitor the students, helping the students if needed. After a few more minutes the teacher hands answer sheet to the students to compare their answers. The teacher then will ask questions in order to elicit the meaning of some new words and some CCQs to making sure that the learners understood the words correctly. Finally, they will drill the pronunciation of new vocabulary.

Semi-controlled productive (speaking) activity (12-13 minutes) • To practise new words and productive(speaking)skills for fluency

The learners are going to practice both new vocabulary and productive (speaking) skills in semi-controlled activity. Initially, the teacher will project example sentences on the WB, explaining the learners that they should discuss what makes them feel good/bad by using model sentences like three most important things that make me happy are… and new vocabulary. Also, they should state the reason for their choice. Then the teacher will do some demo and if necessary will write it on the WB. After asking some ICQs she will hand the sheets to the students. First, the students will work in pairs then they will mingle around finding different people to discuss their opinion and reasons. As FB the teacher randomly will ask students about what they found out,

Freer productive (writing) skills activity (12-13 minutes) • To practise writing skills by using new words

As the learners will formulate their own ideas in the speaking activity, the teacher will ask them to write in a paragraph what makes them feel good/bad. Before they will start to write an example paragraph will be projected on the WB and if necessary the teacher will read it. Then the students will starts work individually writing their own paragraph. As a FB they will stick their paragraph on the WB and will read each other writing.

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