Jorge Ernesto Name Rios Jorge Ernesto Name Rios

TP7: Writing
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the sections of a postcard through a guided discovery based on a model of a postcard about someone's trip. The lesson starts with a lead-in about postcards. There is a model analysis of a postcard followed by a gist activity focusing on the layout of postcard. Students are introduced to subordinating conjunctions. Finally, there is an independent writing stage leading up to a peer check in BORs.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a (short) postcard.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary practice in the context of touristic places
  • To provide clarification of subordinating conjunctions


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will look at pictures of touristic places such as the following. I will ask CCQs such as: - Mannot, have you ever been to this place? - Victor, do you recognize this place? - Do you know where this is located? If necessary at the end I will reveal the names and locations of the touristic places.

Model Analysis (7-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a model of a postcard

I will show students a very simple postcard and elicit language through CCQs such as: - What kind of text is this? (a postcard) - What do you use it for? - Have you ever written one? if necessary I will use additional CCQs as mentioned in my possible problems and solutions. I will point out fixed chunks in the postcard such as "Yesterday I went to the Statue of Liberty", "I'm seeing lots of different places". underlining the moveable chunk to guide students through a frame-and-slot pattern. Afterwards, I will ask CCQs such as: - Am I talking about past events? Yes - Am I talking about things I'm doing right now? - Am I talking about things I plan to do? This will allow them to understand that we can use different tenses in a postcard. Finally, I will ask students CCQs about the layout: How does it start? What goes in the middle? What is at the end?

Gist and Layout (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the layout of the postcard

In Jamboard, students will work in pairs to match the layout with the different parts of the postcard. Afterwards there will be OCFB.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, appropriacy and form of the target language

I will show a postcard with subordinating conjunctions. After circling the coordinating conjunctions I will explain the use for them. I will circle informal language such as the greeting "Hi mom!", the word "gonna" the farewell "Love Amy XOXO". I will ask CCQs to help them realize that postcards are informal such as: - Who is she writing to? - Would you write a postcard to your boss? - What do these words have in common? - Does this sound formal or informal? Students might be confused about instructions in final stages working on the peer check. Because of this, I will include the checklist on the writing template and include labels to help students remember. Use of ICQs before heading to breakout rooms such as: - Who is going to write here? (zoom in on writing template) - What goes here? (zoom in on blank space for the picture) - Who is going to complete this? (zoom in on checklist)

Writing (15-20 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will work in Google Sheets (writing template) to make their postcards and do a peer review through a checklist along with their suggestions. The postcard must be at least 75 words.

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