Hagar Saeed Hagar Saeed

'will' for offers and instant decisions.
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the future simple tense of ''will'' for offers and instant decisions.


Abc Powerpoint Presentation
Abc Gap-fill handout.
Abc Gap-fill handout.

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of will for offer and instant decision in the context of different situations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about two conversations in the context of by using ''will''


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets the Ls and shows two different pictures on the PowerPoint prepared to Ss and figure out what the problem is and give solution in pairs.

Listening Task (8-10 minutes) • To fill gaps related to the target language.

T tells that they are going to listen to a dialogue and fill out the missing gaps in the exercise after figuring out what the problem is in the two pictures. Students listen to the recording and take notes on what the problem is and how each problem is resolved. T gives the handouts to the Ss to fill the gaps. Students listen to the dialogue one more time for specific information and fill in the gaps. T asks Ss to check their answers in pairs. When they are finished checking their answers in pairs, T distributes the answer key HO. T asks some CCQs. After eliciting the meaning from the students, T wants the students to focus on the form of the TL. T elicits the form from the Ss.

CP (10-12 minutes) • To practice the TL.

Ss will be asked to arrange the sentences in the correct form using ''will''. The sentences are all about instant decisions and offers as studied. They should do the exercise individually then check their answers out loud in pairs whereas one student will be A and the other Student will be B. This will be the CO FB for this stage.

Language Clarification. (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL.

PPP will illustrate the difference between the two vocabulary sentences through visuals while other slides will contain the form and usage of the ''will'' form alongside some examples. Other examples will be elicited from the Ss to check their understanding of the form and will be asked to come up and write them on the board themselves followed by plenty of drilling for contracted form of will.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the TL through speaking.

T gives a small prompts to each student and asks them to give a good answer about the situation they have through offering or taking an immediate decision. They respond to each other's cards and T monitors them while writing down notes for error correction by the end of the session. They will be asked to share their problems and suggested solutions in pairs and other Ss sitting down will be able to give alternative responses if they want which gives Ss control over the FP stage.

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