Ehab Ehab

Films , Music , News
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will practise their reading skills in the context of James Bond. They will work in groups to talk about what they know about him. Then, they will try guessing the meanings of the new vocab items. They will read for gist and read for details to answer the questions about Bond. Finally , Sts will complete a grammar rule on the Past Simple .If there's time , the students will answer ex.6 about themselves.


Abc A hand out
Abc The Course Book.
Abc Flash cards
Abc The WB.
Abc A hand out

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist, specific information and detail through the context of James Bond.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students practice in using the negative forms of the past simple and speaking for fluency.


Lead In (3 minutes) • To introduce , generate interest and get the students ready for reading in the context of James Bond.

(Group work) Ss guess the title of the lesson. First they read the title of the unit 'Films' then , I show them 3 flash cards with three different titles to select James Bond .

Pre-Reading (6 minutes) • Pre-teach vocabulary that is essential for the understanding .

To get the students ready for the reading , I will work on vocabulary,Part of them were taught on the board while presenting the words that are related to Bond . I will elicit the meanings of the other words by using flash cards or gestures.

While reading (6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practise the reading skills with less challenging gist reading task.

In this stage , In groups, students will work on the three titles suggested on the book to choose the best title . They justify their answers.

While Reading (2). (15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practise the reading skills with more challenging reading for details task.

In groups, the students will read the article again to get the best answers for the Wh questions on James Bond.

Post - Reading. 1 (10 minutes) • To allow the students an opportunity to practise the language in real situations.

After discussing the rule of the negative form of the past simple , the students will tick the sentences that are true for them and make the other sentences negative. As a lead in for this task , I'm going to ask them to use the cut ups to complete the negative sentences on the board to elicit the different forms of negative (wasn't , weren't . didn't + base form of the verb). .

Post - Reading. 2 (5 minutes) • To allow the students an opportunity to practise the language in real situations.

In pairs , the students produce four meaningful sentences about Bond's life. ( Feedback activity ) .

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