Nicolás Rivera Nicolás Rivera

TP7 Grammar
Modal verbs level


In this lesson Ss will learn about how to use modal verbs for expressing obligations and permissions in the context of education. The modal verbs used for this lesson will be can, can't, must, musn't, may, have to. I will be using "Speak out - pre intermediate" Book page 40 and "New cutting edge - pre intermediate" pag 27.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice and clarification of modal verbs (can, can't, must, mustn't, have to, don't have to). For obligations and permissions in the context of education.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about education for expressing permissions and obligations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. will show Ss a picture related to education. T. will start talking about the things he had to do (obligations) when he was a school student. For example: - "When I was a school student I had to to wake up early for a school because classes started at 7am". -"In my school all Ss had to wear uniforms" Then, T. will ask Ss to tell them briefly about some of their obligations when they ere in school.

Text work (10-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation using a gist task and an intensive task.

T. will tell the Ss that they'll be given 3 minutes to read a text. T. will send the text using a link. When the 3 minutes are over teacher will set a gist task. For the Gist task, T. will ask the Ss to choose the best title for the text between three options: a) All schools should work the same. b) The traditional way of learning is the best. c) A new way of teaching! After that, T. will set an intensive task. T. will ask the Ss to read 6 sentences extracted from the text. Each sentence will have a modal verb in bold. The Ss will be asked to identify if the modal verb is referring to something allowed, not allowed, necessary or not necessary. Note: Every time the teacher sets a task (gist or intensive) he will ask a student to read the instruction for the whole class. and then ask an ICQ. For the gist task: "do you have to made up the title or choose the title out of three options?" choose the title. For the intensive task: "

Clarification (12-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T. will set a task to elicit the meaning from the Ss. This will be a very fast task taking into account that the intensive task already helped the Ss to identify the meaning of the target language. T. will explain the task. "you have to choose the best option for each definition". And, send the task using a google form. Form: For this part of the stage we will analyze two sentences. a) I have to wake up early for school. T. will ask in the first case (a), "are we talking about a strong obligation or not?" we are talking about strong obligation. T. will ask: "is the verb in the ing form or infinitive?" infinitive. T. will also ask: If we change the subject "I" for "He" what happens with the sentence? can we say: "he have to wake up early for school" b) Can he borrow your eraser? - He can borrow your eraser "what's the difference between these two sentences?" "is the verb changing"? "does the place where we put -can- is important?" analyze what goes first and how the place of the subject and the verb changes. Pronunciation: You have to get a passport Stress on the first "have" and "pass" T. will give an example stressing "port". Linking in " haveto" He must travel to the UK - He mustn't travel to the USA. T. will point out the difference in pronunciation between must and musn't Stress on must. Linking in "musttravel" and "theUk." - "mustn'ttravel" Can I work on that? - You can / You can't linking: "CanI", "Workon". T. will point out the difference in pronunciation between Can - Can't

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. will set a task using google docs in which Ss will have to use the TL (Have to / don't have to, Can / Can't, Must /Mustn't. For this Task Ss will have to complete a text choosing the best option in every case. Ss will have to check answers between them in breakout rooms and then write their answers on the chatbox. ICQs: "do you have to share the answers in the chatbox when we come back the mainroom?" Yes.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

For the freer practice T. will tell the Ss to have a speaking activity in which they will have to discuss about 4 statements: a) "In the UK children don't have to learn a foreign language at school" b) "In France children don't have to wear uniforms to school" c) "Children in Thailand have to sing the national anthem in the morning" d) "In Japan children mustn't be late for school, or they can't get in" Ss will have to discuss: 1. are these rules and customs the same or different in your country? 2. Do you think they are good or bad ideas?

Feedback (2 minutes) • Feedback on the Freer Practice task and error correction

T. will point out errors and make corrections if necessary. T. will share screen for this and use google slides.

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