Isaac Isaac

TP-6: Functions
Elementary level


Abc Face2Face

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for simple past in the context of failures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for regular and irregular verbs in past tense


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Introduce the topic by defining the word mistakes (a mistake is when you fail at something or when you make an error) 2. Ask the following CCQ to one student. what is a good antonym for mistakes or failure? (success). 3. Ask the students to think of one mistake they have in their life but not say it. 4. Tell students they will now describe in teams the consequences of their mistake and the lesson the learned from it WITHOUT saying what it was and their classmates will try identify it in a sentence. 5. Model the activity. (select 2 students and tell them to imagine they are in a team with you) 6. Tell students they will have 3 minutes to this activity and ask them followin CCQ's - Are we going to say the mistake we have made?(No) - What are we going to discuss about our mistake? (the consequences and the lesson) - How much time do we have?(3 minutes) 7. Collect feedback.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

1. Present the news article to the students. ask the following question to one student (What type of article do you think this is?) 2. Tell students they will now listen and read a news article in teams about a person who made a mistake and the lesson he learned from it. In their teams they will have to identify the mistake and the lesson learned. - they will have 5 minutes to this activity, 3. Ask the following CCQ's. - What are we going to identify? (the mistake and the lesson) - How many minutes do we have? (5 minutes) 4. Collect feedback

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Share screen and copy the text to a word document. 2. Tell students they will now works in teams to highlight all the verbs or expressions in the past tense. 3. Demo the activity and tell them they have 3 to 4 minutes for this activity. CCQ to one student: which words are we going to highligh? (all the verbs or expressions in the past tense) 4. Show answers and collect feedback about the difficulty. 5. Tell students they will now work in different teams to make a list of all the ideas ONLY IN SIMPLE PAST. 6. Demo the activity and tell them they have 5 minutes for this activity. CCQ to one student: Which expressions are we going to include in our list? (only simple past) 7. Show answers and collect feedback,

Language Analysis (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

1. Tell students that today we will only work with the simple past tense. 2. Highlight the following structure from the previous activity: SUBJ + VERB IN SIMPLE PAST + COMPLEMENT. 3. Emphasys that there are two types of simple past verbs. Regular verbs: - started - decided - called - hoped - ended up - rescued - happened - showed - helped - identified - continued CCQ to one student: What do they have in common? (ed) 4. Review the three ways of pronouncing verbs in the past tense. Irregular verbs: - was - kept - thought - began - said - would - had - became - knew - built - got across - fall - taught 5. Ask one student to change the following idea to negative. (We built another boat)> we didn't build another boat CCQ to one student: What happened to the verb? (it changed to present tense or simple form) CCQ to a different student: What is the auxilary we use for negative sentences in the past tense?(didn't) 6. Ask another student to chage the following sentence into a question. (It started very well)> Did it start very well? CCQ to one student: What happened to the verb? (it changed to present tense or simple form) CCQ to another student: Where is the auxilary located in a question? (in the begining) 7. Provide a conclusion about the functions. - For affirmative sentences use the verb in simple past after the subject. - For negative sentences use the auxilary didn't before the main verbs and for ALL subject plus the verb in the simple present tense. - For questions use the auxilary did + subject + verb in the simple present tense.

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

1. Tell students they will now work and teams of three and try to practice all of three structures (affirmative, negative and questions) by drawing a senerio about a mistake they have made in the past. The menbers of the team will try to identify the mistake by either guessing or asking question. The artist must use complete ideas to either denie or confirm ideas. 2. Demo the activity. 3. Tell students they have 7 minutes to practice CCQ's - What are you going to draw? (draw scenerio about a mistake) - How much time do you have? (7 miniutes) - Encourage students to talk what they learned or how they felt about their mistake. 4. Collect feedback.

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