Aysen Simsek Yaran Aysen Simsek Yaran

Speaking and Functional Language Lesson-Empower B1- Unit 7C
B1 level


In this lesson, the students will be reminded of -ing/-ed adjectives in pre-listening stage and share their opinions on visiting somebody's house for the first time and gift options before watching the episode.This involves activating their prior content and language knowledge in relation to the video. Later on, the video will form a basis for providing students with language-noticing opportunities.The main objective of the lesson is to make them practise on how to make requests/offers and ask for permissions with the help of the resident characters in the book.


Abc Listening worksheet
Abc Empower B1 pg.86
Abc Powerpoint presentation
Abc Situation Cards

Main Aims

  • At the end of this lesson,students will be able to understand informal conversations in which people visit other people's homes.
  • Students will practise using some specific appropriate phrases for making requests and asking for permission

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will revise -ed,-ing adjectives


Warmer (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Listening Exercise 1a ( all in the powerpoint presentation) Ss will be familiarized with the main topic of the video, each pair will come up with 3 items and say their most ideal type of gift.

Vocabulary Review (3-5 minutes) • To make sure they know the meaning of a few words in the video

Students wil recycle some target words (as well as -ing,-ed adjectives)

Pre-Listening (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the video(audio) and make it accessible

We will have picture discussions and make predictions about people's feelings. Students will have a look at the questions before listening.

While-Listening Task 1 (8-10 minutes) • To make students get the gist

Students will listen to it or watch it for specific information( T/F) and try to complete the sentences. (Coursebook 1d with some additions and changes)

While-Listening Task 2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more detailed functional language focused listening tasks

Students will number the sentences in the order they hear them and match the answers (Coursebook 2a-2b with some changes) Finally they will categorize each item.

Post-Listening Tasks (15-20 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the video and expand on what they've learned

Language Focus: Students will be introduced with some other specific phrases for making requests and asking for permission ( Coursebook 2c) Later on,students will be given some situation cards and see the target structures on the board. In groups of three or four, they need to do some practise on the target language. They will be given some immediate feedback during the activity. There are some post-listening discussion questions as well like "Think of a time when you were hoping to make a good impression and made some mistakes. However, because of the time limit, students will talk about that in the next lesson.

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