Fatemeh Fatemeh

Copy of Speaking&Listening Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about adjectives and new vocabulary related to 'desert.' They will also be supported with speaking and listening skills.


Abc Gap-fill Handout, Listening, Discussion Topics
Abc Gap-fill Handout, Listening, Discussion Topics
Abc Gap-fill Handout, Listening, Discussion Topics
Abc Gap-fill Handout, Listening, Discussion Topics

Main Aims

  • Integrated skills speaking/listening

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary, especially adjectives, re climate and survival.


Warmer / Lead-in / Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

The teacher sticks two pictures on the board: 'desert' and 'dessert.' Then asks the students to tell what those items are. So, they will be clear with the correct pronunciation as well as meaning and form. The teacher asks the opposite of 'desert.' Later on; - Ask SS to form three groups and write down ten words/adjectives related to the desert, - After group work, teacher writes down the words they have produced and ask if those are nouns or adjectives. This will be followed as; - Eliciting questions to teach them new words and antonyms such as "barren", "arid (climate)", "vegetation", "fertile soil", "desolute/lonely", "sandy", "mirage", "scorpion", "camel", "unproductive"

Exposure/Speaking (3-6 minutes) • To provide context for the TL through a situation.

The teacher asks SS to discuss in pairs about the questions (the sheets will be distributed). The pictures of the desert will be on the board and they will produce as much descriptive words and detail as they can. Then, T feed backs as a whole class. So, they will both be exposed to the target language and be asked for speaking activity. The teacher divides the class into three groups A, B, and C and writes down three statements, so each group is going to discuss about

Controlled Practice / Follow-Up (6-9 minutes) • To prepare SS for more meaningful practice and also to provide them think from different point of view.

SS work in group of three. They are going to talk about the 'desert' picture from different point of view. The T will give different statements to different groups and they discuss on those statements. First, SS will be allowed some time to make notes about their reaction to the situation. When they are ready, they tell others in the group their feelings in role. T monitors and encourages SS to give as many details as possible. To support weak SS, T writes down three sentence patterns on the board: - This place makes me feel...... - When I see this I get ..... because ...... - It's .......... and .......... and......... I really think it's ........ If there are early finishers, ask them to change groups and roles. Then they repeat the activity (this is up to the time).

Listening Section (5-7 minutes) • To let SS practice their listening skills.

T explains that they will listen to an interview with Tony Nestor: an American expert on deserts who runs courses on survival. He has company based in Arizona called 'Ancient Pathways.' - Ask them to brainstorm a list of things that he might take with him on a trip into the desert. - Play the recording once and SS tick the words on their list that he mentions. Afterwards, T gives the text (which has missing information) to the SS and they read it and during the listening, they are asked to fill the gaps with suitable words or phrases. To check their answers, T plays the recording for the last time in chunks. Later on, T checks the answers with the whole class

Follow-Up / Post-Listening Section / Semi-Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for free practice.

T asks the SS to work in pairs. They choose one of the questions (they will be given study sheets) and discuss with their partners. They are given 3-4 minutes for this speaking practice. * If stronger SS finish early, ask them to discuss another one of the questions. Let weaker SS to explain their ideas about the questions.

Back-up Activity / Free Practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide SS with free practice of the TL.

The SS are asked to be two groups and one student (stronger) from each group comes to the board and sits on the chair on their back to the white board. Teacher writes down newly learned word or adjective and the rest of the students try to explain the given words. As a model, teacher gives one example. The more word they know, the more points they will get. (Note: This activity is aimed as back-up to revise the new words they've learned, but might be omitted if no time is left)

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