Nicolás Rivera Nicolás Rivera

TP 5 speaking lesson
pre intermediate level


This will be an speaking lesson for pre intermediate students whose intention is just to provide practice for speaking in the context of describing people.


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Main Aims

  • To provide students practice in order to achieve fluency and accuracy in speaking in the context of describing people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and teach to the students useful vocabulary in the context of describing people.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. will show the Ss pictures of people. T. will say that we are going to have a speaking lesson focused on describing people. T. will describe a person pointing out their facial and physical appearance, facial features, clothes, and accessories. T. Will show the Ss another two pictures and he will ask the students to say something about their appearence, it can be either their phyisical appearence, facial features, clothes or accessories.

Content preparation (10-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

This stage of the lesson will be divided in two parts. First a listening activity. Second, a reading activitiy. The aim of these two parts is to provide examples for the students about how to describe people. First part (listening - 5 minutes): T. will share with the Ss three audios about describing people. Ss will answer individually three short questions about each audio. T. will share the activity using google forms. Ss will be asked to send their answers once they are finished. ICQ: - "do you have to made up the answers or get the answers directly from the audio?" Answer: "we have to get the answers directly from the audios" Second part (reading - 5 minutes): T. will share with the Ss two short texts that describe a young woman called "Maria" and a 10 year old boy called "Sam". T. will ask the students to read aloud some parts of the text, because the main aim of the lesson is that they speak. This will provide a good preparation for the final speaking task. Ss will be asked to get the general idea of each text. The will have to solve the following answers: ICQ: "do you have to search for specific information or just get the general idea in each description?" Answer: "we only have to get the general idea" a. Text one (Maria): Is Maria a nice person? Does Maria have good habits? b. Text two (Sam): Is Sam a kid or an adult? Does he behaves well? Ss will give an answer choosing between "yes" or "no" using google forms.

Language preparation (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. T. will clarify the grammar for some expressions used in the context of describing people. - He has dark brown hair (article) + verb + noun + noun - - 2. T. will make sure that Ss understand the meaning for each expression: - "He has dark brown hair" "Are we talking about his accesories or clothes, or rather about his physical characteristics? 3. T. will give an example of pronunciation for each expression. Students will be asked to identify where is the stress. T will point out where might be a link between sounds to help the Ss sound more natural.

Productive Task(s) (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T. will give the students the following writing task and they shall complete it individually: "Write a paragraph about a friend - or family member. Describe that person. Remember to include information such as height, hair (color; long or short; straight, curly or wavy), age, and facial characteristics. Also, describe that person's personality and why you like him or her." After they done that they will have to talk about this person in small groups depending the total number of students they will be send to Break out Rooms.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T. will give feedback about the speaking activity. T. shares Zoom whiteboard and writes some good and bad examples from students. T. will elicit ways to improve some ideas.

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