Ehab Ehab

E - Shopping
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson , the students will read about sopping on line through a webpage advertising a shopping mall.The students will talk about the different ways of shopping and the advantages of shopping on line.Then they will answer some questions suggested on the page after discussing the meanings of some new words.


Abc A hand out
Abc The Course Book.
Abc The WB.
Abc A hand out

Main Aims

  • To give Ss practice in reading for gist,specific information and more detailed comprehension through the context of E shopping.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and extend vocabulary related to E shopping.


Lead in (7 minutes) • To get the students ready for the reading in the context of E shopping.

The students will answer a crossword puzzle hand out about the topic. Then , pair discussions will take place to answer some questions on e- shopping to familiarize them with the topic.Finally, the students will talk about the picture of the website homepage.

Pre-reading / Vocabulary (8 minutes) • To get the students ready for the reading in the context of E shopping.

I will give the students a hand out to circle the words they already know and underline those they don't know.In pairs, they discuss the words .Then , they match the words with the meanings as a TTT activity.

Task (13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the reading skills.

In pairs ,Ss read the situations and look at the website and decide which link they would click on for each.They check their answers as a whole class feedback.Then, they turn to page 133 , read the descriptions and match them to stores in the mall.

Task. (9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the reading skills.

Reading for details , the students read the descriptions again and the three on page 133 to answer the wh questions .Then , they check in groups as a feedback activity.

Post Reading (8 minutes) • To give the students a chance to produce the language as speaking for fluency.

In pairs , the students will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on line.

Web site designed by: Nikue