Aya Eid Aya Eid

AUC Demo
B1 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about being objective in the context of journalism

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice through a journalist role play in the context of reporting news


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic and create a meaningful context for the language.

Show the students a pic of a journalist delivering news. Then, ask them to discuss in pairs what they see and what they wonder. Instructions: What do you see? In pairs, talk about what you see in the picture? Check instructions: Are you working alone? (No) Monitor as students speak in pairs. Conduct some whole class feedback by asking students to report back on their partner.

Set Context (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the text, activate schemata and help students prepare to listen.

Refer Ss to the discussion questions. Divide Ss into groups of 3. Allow 3 mins. Monitor as Ss speak. Instructions: Discuss these questions in groups. work in groups. You have 3 minutes. ICQs: Are you going to write anything? (No)

Pre-teaching vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To pre-teach meaning/pronunciation/form of any challenging words necessary for the task(s).

Transition: before we listen, let’s learn some new words to help us with the listening part. Refer Ss to the matching exercise. Allow 2 mins. Ask SS to compare their answers in pairs. Present the Answer key. Highlight the language function. - Conduit Form: noun Pronunciation: /kɒndjʊɪt/ CCQs: Is it the journalist or the people watching? (Journalist) - Distinct Form: adjective Pronunciation: /dɪˈstɪŋ(k)t/ CCQs: Is it something special or ordinary? (Ordinary) Audience: Form: noun Pronunciation: /ˈɔːdɪəns/ CCQs: Is it the people at home or the reporter? (People) Are the people watching the news or writing the news? (watching) Instructions: match the words to their definition. Work alone. You have 2 minutes.

While Listening #1: For specific information (8-10 minutes) • To orientate students to the overall content of the text and to give them practice in gist listening.Transition: now, we will listen to Freddie and Jeanette but while listening you will answer these questions in Ex:3a Ask students to read the questions on Ex:3a page 26. Then, ask them to listen and answer the questions. Check in pairs Give feedback on their answers.

Transition: now, we will watch a video on journalism but while listening you will answer these questions. Refer students to the questions. Then, ask them to listen and answer the questions alone. Check in pairs Present the answer key.

While-Listening #2: For details (9-11 minutes) • To give students practice at listening for detail to gain more understanding of the text.

Transition: so, we will listen to them again but this time we will look for more details. Ask the students to answer the questions. Instructions: Answer the questions alone. Write key words not full sentences ICQs: Are you working in a group? (No) Are you writing full sentences or key words? Key words Check your answers in pairs. Elicit answers from the whole class. Present final answer key (if needed).

Post-Listening: Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to use the target language in meaningful and personalized situations. To exploit the text for speaking to develop fluency.

Transition: let’s imagine that we are now journalists. We have two accidents. Instructions: Work in groups of 4. Think of details of the events you choose. You have 4 mins. Ask SS to develop this further into a news story and choose a reporter to deliver it to the whole class. Monitor and assist if needed.

Feedback on Content (2-3 minutes) • To let the students know if what they have produced was effective or not in order to improve in the future.

Conduct a whole class feedback by asking students to report back on the most interesting news story that was reported.

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