salma salma

Reading first times and last times text
Elementary level


in this lesson, ss will learn about reading text called " first times and last times". They will know how to read for gist reading and how to find specific information in the text, in addition, to answering detailed questions. They will know how to describe past events using first time and last time. They will learn new vocabulary from the text also


Abc New English file
Abc power point
Abc white board
Abc students hand out

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about first times and last times in the context of Ben silverstone's life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of The past simple tense in the context of Interview with Ben Silverstone
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Interview with Ben Silverstone


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

First I will show them a picture of Port said and Elicit from them the Name of the city. then I will tell them the first time I traveled to Port said was in 2022. and show them a picture of me and my friend and tell them the Last time I saw my friend was a month ago. after that, I will ask the students to tell their partner Last time you traveled. (where) The first time you go on a school trip. where did you go Last time you cried because of a movie or series.

pre teach vocabulary (3-6 minutes) • To teach new vocab to make the context easy

I will ask the students to match the word which has a picture to make it easy for them to match the word with the definition and then check answers in pairs. then make ECDW do I make a barbecue outside or inside? i will drill each word and ask ICQs when I'm making a movie i'm ........ filming do I feel save when I'm frightened? No can I laugh when I'm serious? No. when something is confusing is it hard or easy to understand? hard and provide them with answer key

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

first I will set the context by showing them a picture of Ben Silverstone to try to elicit that he is an actor. Now we will read about an interview that has been made with Ben Silverstone. we will read to choose the best title (First times and last times _ Ben Silverstone movies –first date ) Ask ICQS - Are going to read quickly or slowly? quickly -How minutes do we have? 3

While-Reading#1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I will the students to read the text again to find specific information do the first one with them Ask ICQS Are we going to find a sentence for the answer or one word? one word _ Do I have to read the whole passage after finding the answer? no I will change their partner and ask them to check answers together then provide them with the key

While-Reading #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

I will ask the ss to read the text again to find detailed answers. for the questions will I find the answer in one word or in a sentence? in a sentence. demo the first one with them. Then in 5 min, I will tell them after reading fill the gaps with a verb in the right tense elicit which tense did they use past tense

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

How can I ask about the last and first time when was first time you went to the cinema? drill individually and in groups using finger counts After that Tell the ss remember when we talk about the first time and last time now we are going to do the same. I want you to ask your partner about the first time he saw a film, bought flowers to someone, and went to a party and ask about the last time he sends a text message, went away for the weekend, spent a lot of money - are going to just say a sentence or ask and answer? Ask and answer

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