Viktoria Kolb Viktoria Kolb

TP 4 _ Grammar _ Viktoria Kolb
Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson students will review the simple past specifically focused on the affirmative simple past in the context of talking about lives of famous people and people from their own past.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to review and practice the affirmative simple past in the context of talking about people‘s lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • Practice fluency with the usage of simple past while talking about people‘s lives.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. To start of I will ask students two questions that are related to the theme of the dialogue that students will later be presented with: - Do you like going to the cinema to watch movies? - What movies do you like? 2. I will ask one of the students to ask me these questions and thus provide an example. 2. I will then split them up into BoR and instruct them to ask each other these questions. For this they will get 2 minutes. ICQ: Are we working alone or in pairs? Are we speaking or writing? Are we asking each other the questions? Do we have 1 or 2 minutes? 3. After getting back to class I will as 1 or 2 students to share their answers with the class.

Exposure (1-2 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. I will present the students with the dialogue on google forms and give them two options to chose from what this text is about. 2. I will ask them to quickly read it (20 seconds) and then ask one or two students to share their answer.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. I will ask students to take a look at the first underlined simple past form and elicit from them in what time form the verb is (simple past). 2. I will ask students to individually look for the other simple past forms in the text for 1 minute. ICQ: Are we working alone or in pairs? Are we just reading or are we reading and looking for the simple past forms? Do we have 1 minute or 3 minutes? 3. I will then provide the students with the correct answer.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. I will share a link to google forms with questions meant to clarify the meaning and form of the collocation. 2. To clarify meaning I will use CCQs with answers to choose from. 3. To clarify form I will have students choose the correct way of how the simple past is formed. 4. They will be split into BoR and have 4 minutes to answer the questions together. ICQ: Are we working alone or in pairs? Are we answering the questions or just reading them? Do we have 3 or 4 minutes? 5. After the answers are checked in class. 4. In regards to pronounciation I will choose two sentences from the text and go over them with the students. Eliciting from them if there is linking and where the stress is. Followed by drilling.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. A link to Google Forms with a gap fill will be shared with the students. 2. They will be split into BoR and given 3 minutes to work out the answers with a partner. ICQ: Are we working alone or in pairs? Are we filling the gaps or just reading the questions? Do we have 2 or 3 minutes? 3. Back in class the students will be provided with the answers.

Free Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Students will be set following task: Pick a person from your family - your mom, your dad, your grandma, your sister, your child etc. Now think of what you know about their lives. 2. Ask each other questions about these people. Start with: Which person did you pick? Possible further questions: - When were they born? - What did they study? Did they like it? - What did they work as? Did they like it? - What were they like when they were younger? (When speaking about children, siblings) - What were they like when you were younger? (When speaking about grandparents, parents) Use the simple past when answering the questions! 3. To demonstrate I will have one student ask me the first question and one of the other questions. 4. Students will be split up into BoR to ask each other the questions for 7 minutes. ICQ: Are we talking or writing? Are we working in pairs or alone? Do we have 10 or 7 minutes? 5. Once back in class ask one or two of the students some of the questions.

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