Esra Eker Esra Eker

Adjectives, Reading
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson, students learn about the adjectives through a reading text. They improve their reding skills. The lesson starts with learning some adjectives. This is followed by a matching activity and then showing how to use an adjective in a sentence. After that, students read an e-mail. They read it twice: One is for reading for a gist and the second is for details.


Abc Worksheet
Abc Flashcards

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about places and people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification about adjectives


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a game - counting from 1 to 100 saying 'BOM' instead of 5 and multiples of 5. This is followed by hangman game to introduce the subject - adjectives.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide new vocabulary for the target language through background information

Students are given a worksheet on which some adjectives are written. Individually, students put a tick to those they know the meaning of, put a cross for unknown ones and a question mark that they are not sure of the meaning. Then, they will work in pairs to think about the meanings of adjectives. I show them pictures of adjectives and elicit answers. When they find, I will stick pictures and the form on WB, then we will work on pronunciation as a WC.

Clarification of form (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and its rules

I explain the rules for word order with adjectives. I write some examples on the WB and ask for the rule to the class after pointing word classes. (e.g. Adjectives go after be.) Then, I show two heat meters for explaining 'very'. I highlight the place of 'very' in a sentence.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students do an activity to practice the correct word order individually. They check their answers with a partner. To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation, I drill the sentences. Then,I show a picture for each sentence and whole class say the correct sentence for it with a correct word order.

Pre-reading (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for reading

I pre-teach some vocabulary to prepare students for the reading. I show the pictures of places and a preposition. Students guess the meaning as a WC. We practice the pronunciation of them. Then I tell a story by leaving some blanks with my gestures. Students place the words they have just learned to the blanks.

While-reading (8-10 minutes) • To improve students' reading skill with the concept of adjectives

Before the text is given to the students, for the first reading I tell them to underline the adjectives in the text while reading to make sure that students have understood the word class of adjectives. 2 minutes for reading the text is given (for scanning).For feedback, students work in pairs. For second reading (detailed reading), students are given 3-4 minutes to read the text in details. They are given a task to change the adjectives in the false sentences and put a tick for the true sentences.

Post reading activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide students productive skills based on their receptive skills

Students try to write an e-mail to a friend by using adjectives to describe the places and people. When they are finished, some students read their e-mails to the whole class

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