Harvey Harvey

TP 5 - Speaking
Advanced level


Abc Google JamBoard
Abc Google Form
Abc Google Slides

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of personal information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of Interview words in the context of Personal information


Lead - In (2-3 minutes) • To get students to talk about their personal routines

1. T will show a Google JamBoard with 2 questions. 2. 1:Have you ever had an interview? 2: What questions do you remember being asking? T will call on a few Ss to elicit answers from them to make the target of the lesson clear.

Stage 1 (5-6 minutes) • Vocabulary task

1. T will share a Google form link with Ss where there will be a set of questions with some vocabulary that might help them in the speaking activity. 2. T will instruct Ss that they have 2 minute to answer the questions individually. T will do the first one with the class. 3. After time is up, T will Split Ss up into groups (breakout rooms) to do peer check. 2 minutes After time is up, T will gather all the Ss back in the main zoom lobby and begin OCFB.

Speaking task 1 (10-12 minutes) • To get students to talk with each other about their personal lives

T will begin by sharing screen of a Google slide featuring some questions. (2 minutes) The first slide will feature 3 questions for the learners to answer on paper or in their heads. (2 minutes) After time is up, T will demo the task which will give the Ss a clear look of how the task will be completed. (2 minutes) After demo T will break Ss up into pairs so that they can work with each other in asking questions. (5 minutes) After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main zoom call to discuss what some of their partners answered. (2 minutes)

Speaking task 2 (10-12 minutes) • To get students to talk with each other about their personal lives

T will share screen so that Ss see the Google slide again, but this time a new slide. T will now show a slide containing 2 questions, but these questions will be much more in depth. T will ask Ss once again to answer the questions on their own before moving on to the speaking task. (2 minutes) T will Demo this as well so Ss understand how the task should be completed. (3 minutes) After Demo T will break Ss up into pairs so that they can begin working on the task (5 minutes) After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main zoom call to discuss the answers they have heard from their partners. (2 minutes OCFB)

Freer Speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • To get students to talk with each other about their future goals.

T will share screen to a Google Jamboard where Ss will see 2 questions that they will work in groups to discuss with each other. Q1: Where do you want to be in life 5 years from now? Q2: Where do you want to be in life by the year 2030? T will do a Demo by asking a Ss to ask T the question and answering how they'd like the Ss to answer. After DEMO, T will break Ss up into groups (breakout rooms) so they can discuss with each other in groups to simulate a casual talk amongst colleagues for a more relaxed practice of speaking. (5 minutes) After time is up T will bring Ss back into the main zoom call to go over some of the goals they have set for the future. (OCFB 2 minutes)

Feedback (1-2 minutes) • To correct any mistakes Ss might have made.

T will go over any mistakes they have heard during the lesson.

Web site designed by: Nikue