Hananeh Hananeh

vocabulary and conversation(types of hair)
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will learn new vocabulary about types of hair while engaging in different kinds of relevant activities. The lesson starts with a short video clip which shows common types of hair that we see nowadays. After reviewing the things that they understood from the video and working on MFP, students will have an engaging group activity. Then I will teach how to use these words together and then they will have a kind of ask and answer in pairs. There is gonna be a relevant game in which students are supposed to use the adjectives in sentences. Afterwards we go for conversation. There will be a task at the end of some activities which will be done in two groups.


Abc printed pictures
Abc board & marker
Abc handmade dices
Abc puppets
Abc poster
Abc Audio file(track 111)
Abc Audio file(track 112)
Abc Audio file (track 113)

Main Aims

  • To provide obvious illustrations for the vocabulary in order to make stusents learn it easily.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide appropriate use of the vocabulary while speaking and giving examples.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To make a general background in students' mind about what they are going to learn in this lesson and make them aware of it.

I play a relevant video clip in order to show students what this lesson is about and make them familiar with the topic. In this video some types of hair are shown and said,and some examples are made with them at the end of the video, but in this part they will see the video just until discussing types of hair. After they watched the video two times, I will check the concept with some questions and I want them to tell me the things they can remember from the video(CCQ). For instance I say, which hair colours did you hear from the video? Would you please tell me types of hair you can remember from the video? Which colour is your hair? Do you have curly hair or straight hair?

Working on MPF (8-10 minutes) • To teach and illustrate what these words mean,how to pronounce them and write them.

In this step, I have some printed pictures that show different types of hair such as long hair,short hair,brown hair etc. I show the pictures one by one and explain how it looks.(e.g:this is long hair. It's long not short. I show long with body language.) Then I say the pronunciation and they repeat after me. Me:long hair Students:long hair Afterwards, I write the word on the board to show them the form.(I introduce the words' form with the sound each letter has in each word.(phonics) Eventually, I play the listening file for students to listen and mime the audio.

Game (8-10 minutes) • To check if they can recognize the words or not, and also it increases their speed in recognizing the words, as it has a competitive atmosphere .(out put)

I put the printed pictures on the table and all the students come and stand around the table. I write one of the words from those we have worked on, on the board and they are supposed to find and raise it as soon as possible. The students' name will be written on the board and the first person who raises it,will get a positive for each of them, above her name. This thing will be done until one student gets 10 positives and win the game. How do I instruct them? At first, I explain it clearly and show it with body language and then I do it once for them as an example. How do I check if they got it or not? I ask students to tell me or show me what should they do.

Teaching the structure (10-12 minutes) • To make students familiar with the sequence in which the adjectives come together and how to use them in a full sentence.

At first, I play the rest of the video in which some examples are said, then I write them on the board: Long blond curly hair. Short black straight hair. Short brown curly hair. After that I want students to tell me the relation between the examples. I also help them to guess the relation. After they understood that there is a special sequence for hair adjectives in which at first we have the length of hair and then we have the colour and finally we have the form of the hair, I start making some examples with their help: Me:I have......... Students:I have long gray curly hair. Me:She has........... Students:she has long blond straight hair. Me:he has ......... Students: he has short brown curly hair. Students don't need to know that we use "have" for I and "has" for he and she grammatically in this lesson, but they will understand it through the lesson. After these, I ask them to discuss their own type of hair and their classmates' type of hair in pairs.

Game (5-8 minutes) • To make students use this vobaulary in sentences,with the right sequence of adjectives.

In this activity we have two dices, on one of the dices I have written adjectives for types of hair in an incorrect sequence. On the other dice we have students' names. Students one by one roll the dices at the same time and they will see a name on one of the dices and an incorrect sequence of adjectives on the other dice. The student whose name is the result of the dice should make a full sentence with the right sequence of the adjectives on the other dice. There is no winner in this game and it will continue until I think they can easily make examples. According to its interesting style,students will be motivated in this game. How do I explain it for students? I do it once,so they will understand what to do.

Pre-teaching conversation(warm up) (4-5 minutes) • To challenge students thoughts about relevant pictures and make them talk about what they think about that. To make the meaning of hard words clear before they go through the conversation.

I prepare a poster of pictures from the pictures of the conversation part. I show the poster to students and ask them to tell me what's going on in these pictures in order to engage them and make a background about it. Answering with some sentences would be enough. Then I write the hard words that they will face in the conversation on the board, to explain their meanings before they go through it.

While teaching (10-15 minutes) • To make students see the use of relevant sentences and vocabulary through the conversation and making a better accent while drilling.

I teach the conversation with puppets in order to make a real conversation. In this way students can see and hear a real conversation between some characters. I also can change my voice sometimes to make it more real. After that ,I ask them to go through the conversation and have self study and then I play the listening file for them.Then I read each of the sentences and they are supposed to repeat after me. Afterwards students one by one read a sentence and all of them are supposed to pantomime the sentence that is read. It would be engaging for students and also a kind of out put from them for me.

Post-teaching (15-20 minutes) • To make students produce a conversation similar to the conversation they have learnt.

At the end of the class, I divide students into two groups and they are supposed to produce a conversation about their selves and their classmates, similar to the conversation they have learnt. Finally, they can read it for their classmates and if there were any mistake, I want that group to correct their own mistake, if they couldn't, the other group will do it and if they couldn't, I will do so.

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