Mahfoozur Rahman Mahfoozur Rahman

Copy of TP5
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students develop their reading skills for gist, specific information and inference based on a text about 'weekends'. The lesson starts with a whole class discussion about weekend activities. This is followed by vocabulary teaching. Afterwards, the students read the text for gist, specific information and inference sequentially. Lastly, there is a free activity where students work in groups, writes a few questions for their own survey on weekends and finally ask and answer each other's questions. If there is time, the students make a diagram showing the results for the whole class.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and inference reading practice using a text about weekends in the context of the results of a survey

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of the vocabulary that may block the comprehension of the text
  • To provide writing practice of a few survey questions in the context of weekends


Warmer/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T starts with a brief getting to know you activity, and writes some numbers and words about herself on the WB. (One of the things is T's favourite weekend activity.) Is: "These are things about me. Guess: What do they stand for?" -T elicits the answers. WCFB -T leads the Ss to the point where they work in pairs and talk about their favourite activities. Is: "Now, very very shortly, discuss with your partner. What are your weekend activities?" -T asks a few Ss if their partners have an enjoyable or boring weekend.

Pre-Reading (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible through teaching the vocabulary that may block comprehension of the text

-T does vocabulary analysis at this stage. She teaches the words: "a colleague, jealous, invent something, lie (here not tell the truth)". -T sets the prediction task: Is: "These words are from today's reading text. What do you think it is about?" -T elicits answers from the WC.

While-Reading #1 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with a gist reading task

-T sets the gist task. Is: "Part A. Read the question and answers, first. Then, read the text quickly. Find: What is the message of the text? You have 2 minutes." ICQs: "How do yo read the text? What do you find?" -Check in pairs. -WCFB

While-Reading #2 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with a specific information reading tasks

-T sets the specific information task. Is: "Read the questions in part B, first. Then, read the text again and find the answers to the questions. You have 5 minutes." ICQs: "Are you reading the questions first? (Yes.) And then? (Read and answer.)" -Check in pairs. -A faster student writes the answer key on the board. -T asks for justification for their answers: "How do you know? Why a/b/c?" FB

While-Reading #3 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with the more challenging inference reading task

-T sets the inference reading task. Is: "Part C. There are four words. Look at the text again and find their meanings from the text. No dictionaries. 4 minutes." ICQs: "Are you using dictionaries? (No.) So, how do you find their meanings? (From the text.)" -Check in pairs. -T elicits answers orally, asks for justification and writes the answers on the WB. (If T sees that most of the Ss struggled a lot inferring the meaning from the text, she will ask CCQs or use some visuals for those vocabulary.)

Post-Reading (12-14 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

-T sets the post-activity. -T shows Ss a question with four options for the answers, lets one of the Ss read it and asks: "Where can you see this kind of question?" -T elicits "In a survey." -T sticks the question on the WB, writes the number of people under it (a-5, b-8, etc.) and divides the class into four groups. Is: "Work in groups of four or five. Write your own survey questions on weekends. 2 or 3 questions are enough." -T monitors; and provides support or error correction if necessary. After finishing the task, Is: "Read your questions one by one and everyone in the classroom answers. Hands up if you choose a, b or c." -Students ask and answer the survey questions. -T writes the number of people on the WB. -If there is time, Ss make a diagram showing the results of the class survey.

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