Diana Diana

TP5 LP_Diana Shvindina
Upper-Intermediate level


In this speaking lesson upper intermediate students will practice speaking and develop fluency in the context of describing feelings.


Abc TP 5
Abc TP 5 for students
Abc Freepik

Main Aims

  • To provide students with an opportunity to practice and develop fluency in speaking in the context of describing feelings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to discover and practice the MPF of the target language in the context of describing feelings
  • To provide students with listening for gist practice by listening to different people's monologues about feelings


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage learners, make them aware of the topic and activate their schema

1. Teacher (T) welcomes students (Ss) 
2. T introduces the topic by turning on the song by Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy (first 40 sec.). Instructions: "Listen to the song and tell me what it is about". 3. T elicits what this song is about (It is better not to worry a lot about problems and be happy). 4. T asks Ss to answer the question in pairs or small groups: "What made you happy last week?" and sends them to BreakOut rooms. Instructions: "Answer the question in BreakOut rooms. You have 2 min." ICQs (if needed): Do you work in pairs or individually? (In pairs) Where can you find the question? (In a google document or in the chart box) 5. Ss answer the questions in pairs or small groups. 5. Ss share some of their answers in open class feedback.

Exposure (6-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening about feelings

1. T introduces the listening task to students. Instructions: "Listen to seven people answering the questions. Match the speakers (1-7) to the questions". CCQs: Are you going to listen or to read? (Listen) What are you going to match? (speakers to the questions) 2. Ss listen to the audio and do the gist listening task. a) What makes you laugh? 5 b) What frightens you? 6 c) What makes you feel depressed? 3 d) What helps you to relax? 4 e) What makes you stressed? 2 f) What makes you feel embarrassed? 1 g) What makes you happy? 7 3. 
Ss check their answers in small groups or pairs (they may use a Google document and make some notes there). 4. T shares the answers with the whole class and answers student's questions if there are some.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks in the context of describing feelings

Meaning 1. T shows three target phrases from the listening task: It really frightens/ annoys/ embarrasses/ relaxes me when… What makes me very frightened/ annoyed/ embarrassed/ relaxed is… I find …(something)... very frightening/ annoying/ embarrassing/ relaxing... 2. Ss have to match frightening (-ed, -s), relaxing (-ed, -es), annoying (-ed, -s), embarrassing (-ed, -es) with three pictures showing these feelings. Instructions: Match the words for describing feelings with the pictures showing these feelings. 3. Ss work individually and then T elicits the answers in open class discussion. CCQs: Do people feel relaxed in a haunted house? (No, frightened) A man crosses the road and falls on the ground. Is it embarrassing situation? (Yes) Do the mosquitoes annoy or relax people? (Annoy). Form 1. T asks the students to look at the key phrases It really frightens/annoys/embarrasses/relaxes me when… What makes me very relaxed/embarrassed/annoyed/frightened is… I find …(something)... very embarrassing/relaxing/annoying/frightening… and answer the questions or complete the sentences: 1. frightens/annoys/embarrasses/relaxes are nouns/verbs/adjectives 2. relaxed/embarrassed/annoyed/frightened are nouns/verbs/adjectives 3. embarrassing/relaxing/annoying/frightening are nouns/verbs/adjectives 4. Which adjectives describe how you feel? What ending do they have? 5. Which adjectives explain why you feel this way? What ending do they have? 6. What tense do the verbs represent? Answer Key: 1. Verbs 2. Adjectives 3. Adjectives 4. relaxed/embarrassed/annoyed/frightened, -ed ending 5. embarrassing/relaxing/annoying/frightening, - ing ending 6. The Present Simple Tense Instructions: "Look at the sentences and answer the questions or complete the rules". ICQs: Do you have to complete the example sentences? No. CCQs: What is the form of an adjective that describes how we feel? Verb + ed What is the form of an adjective that explains why you feel this way? Verb + ing Pronunciation 1. T provides students with choral drill for the key phrases. T also elicits that sentence stress is usually on the verb or adjective because the feeling is important. 1. It really frightens/annoys/embarrasses/relaxes me when… 2. What makes me very relaxed/embarrassed/annoyed/frightened is… 3. I find …(something)... very embarrassing/relaxing/annoying/frightening… If there is enough time, T can also elicit linking between the adjectives with-ed ending and is in the second phrase: Consonant + vowel linking.

Productive Task (15-17 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target phrases in speaking in the context of describing feelings

1. T asks Ss to work in small groups or in pairs. Ss have to ask each other questions and answer with the learned expressions. 1. What frightens you? 2. What do you find annoying? 3. What makes you feel embarrassed? 4. What helps you to relax? Round 1: Ask and answer questions 1 and 2. ICQ: Do you have to answer questions 3 and 4? No. Do you have to use the key phrases? Yes. Round 2: Ask and answer questions 3 and 4. 
 Round 3: Choose any feeling and question you like. Ask and answer. ICQ: Can you ask not only about 4 feelings in the questions? Yes. T may ask Ss to share what they found out about their partners after each round or after all the rounds in open class feedback.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. T asks the students to share some of their ideas and answers in the open class discussion and comments on some of them. 2. DEC: T shares some students’ mistakes on the whiteboard in Zoom and corrects them with the students’ help.

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