Antoniya Antoniya

Copy of TP 8 - Authentic Text (Harry Potter)
Intermediate B1/B2 level


In this lesson, students will read an authentic text - an extract from the novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. They will begin with a picture gist activity, followed by a "chunked" intensive reading with a specific information task and a reading for detailed comprehension task. Finally, students will predict the next part of the story in a fast-writing activity. During the second (free) hour, students will watch part of the film and compare it with the extract from the text and end with a trivia game filler activity.


Abc Harry Potter film

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, students will have had practice reading an extract from a authentic narrative for gist and details in the context of a popular fantasy novel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice fast writing in the context of a prediction about what will happen after the end of a narrative extract.


Warmer - Context Setting and Lexis (8-12 minutes) • To set the context of the reading and introduce new vocabulary.

T will introduce the text to SS by eliciting their preexisting knowledge about the Harry Potter series (see classroom notes for detailed script). T will introduce lexis from the text via images (wizard, magician), via images and spider-gram (python, boa constrictor, cobra, snake, lizard, reptile), and elicitation with CCQs (bred in the zoo). (see classroom notes and board map for details). Prior to giving out the text, T will identify the following characters: Harry, uncle Vernon Dursley, and Dudley.

Picture Gist (8-12 minutes) • To gain an overview of the text

T will distribute the text and handout with images from the film. SS will work in closed pairs to skim the text and number the pictures in the order in which they appear. SS will then be given 2 minutes to skim the text and complete the task. Prior to giving out the handouts, T will provide instructions and a demonstration. After completing the task, T will review the answers with SS in whole class feedback.

Intensive Reading - "Chunked" reading for specific information (10-15 minutes) • To intensively read the text in manageable chunks for specific information

SS will read the text in two "chunks" of one page per chunk. As they read the text, the will work with their partner in closed pairs to complete the comprehension questions related to each section of text. SS will have 2-3 minutes per page to read the text and answer the questions. Prior to handing out the text and the worksheet, T will give instructions. The second set of questions will be included on the same handout (folded). Fast finishers will be allowed to either read the text again at a more leisurely pace or start reading the second page. After each section is completed, T will review answers with SS in whole-class feedback.

Reading for Detailed Comprehension (8-12 minutes) • To read the text and answer true/false questions demonstrating comprehension

SS will reread the text more slowly and answer true/false questions about the text. SS will again work in pairs and be given 5 minutes to complete the task. Prior to giving out the handouts, T will provide instructions and a demonstration. After completing the task, SS will trade papers with another pair and compare answers. After SS have compared their answers, they will correct the false sentences in whole class feedback.

Fast Writing (10-15 minutes) • To practice writing in the context of predicting the next part of the story

T will guide students into looking at the form of a narrative text. Putting a short passage from the text on the screen, T will elicit different aspects of a narrative text, such as the tense of the verbs, and how to punctuate and form character dialogue. Two examples are noted in the PPT, T will elicit other examples from SS. SS will then use speaking and fast writing to predict what will happen after the extract ends: During pre-writing, SS will talk with their partners about what they think will happen and brainstorm ideas (T will caution SS who know what actually happens next in the book or film to think of an entirely different outcome). SS will then work individually and write for three minutes without stopping. SS may not stop writing at any time – even if it means writing nonsense. SS will stop writing when T says, “Stop.” Afterwards, SS will share their papers with their partners. SS can rewrite their prediction either in-class if time remains or as a homework assignment.

HOUR 2 - FILLER ACTIVITY: Find the differences • To practice reading and listening skills in the context of comparing the text to its film adaptation

After completing the two receptive tasks, SS will work in pairs to find differences between the film and the text. After T has set up the task, students will watch the corresponding clip from the film (starts at 5:58, end at 8:10). The teacher will then put up on a PowerPoint slide with the model language (“What was different in the film?” “In the film…, but in the book….”) and demonstrate the activity by eliciting the origin of the snake in the book (Brazil) and the film (Burma). Students will then have 2 minutes to speak with their partner and to list as many differences as possible on the back of their worksheet. After the time is up, students will re-watch the clip for additional ideas.

HOUR 2 - FILLER ACTIVITY: Trivia Challenge • To practice reading and speaking in the context of a class trivia competition

SS (and any trainees still in the room) will form teams and compete in a 30 question general knowledge trivia challenge. The quiz is divided into 2 parts, with 15 questions each. Teams will write their answers on an answer sheet. After each round, they will pass their papers to another team and T will elicit or supply the answers. Teams will then tally up the total number of correct answers and pass back the answer sheet. The team with the most points (one point per answer) at the end of the second round will be declared the winner.

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