Esraa Esraa

personality characteristics
intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss are going to learn five new personality characteristics (clumsy - jolly- eccentric- dignified- compassionate) and will practice using them in a reading and speaking context.


Abc personality quote

Main Aims

  • To provide full practice of personality traits in the context of accepting our differences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about accepting others in the context of personality characteristics.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The warmer: 1- T will show Ss a guess my name game (in the PowerPoint). 2- The game is as the following: - T will show the first picture (an ear) - Ask Ss, what's the first letter of the picture? (E) - T will do the same for each picture till complete (Esraa) 3- Ask Ss to do as you did individually Ask the following ICQs: - Will you write or draw? draw -Will you draw any pictures or pictures with the letters in your name? pictures with the letters in my name. -will you write the letter under the picture or the picture only? the picture only 4- Ask them to check in pairs and guess each other's name 5- Take feedback. The lead in 1. T will Show them the personality quote (in the PowerPoint) 2. Ask, What do you understand? Do you agree or disagree? explain. Do you know anyone with a positive personality? what is a positive personality? 3. Ask them to work in pairs 4. T asks ICQs: how many questions have we got? what are they? will you work alone or with a partner? 5. T will Monitor 6. Take feedback

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

1. Chest Handout 1 ( confirm that they have to use the words in the box above) 2. Ask them to work individually 3. T asks ICQs: Will you choose from the box or your memory? from the box Will you work alone or with a friend? alone 4. monitor 5. After they finish, ask them to check in pairs. 6. Give them the answer key.

Teach (15-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

1- T will set a context about the vocabulary 2- Elicit the meaning from the ss 3- Use CCQs as clarified in the language analysis 4- Drill the vocabulary many times for the pronunciation 5- Write the vocabulary on the board or use the PowerPoint 6- Highlight the syllable stress (Everything about the vocabulary is clarified in the language analysis.)

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Reading for gist: 1- Chest handout 2 2- T will say: you have 1 min. to read and put a title for this text. 3- Ask ICQs: -How many minutes do we have? 1 min, - will you read-only or read and put a title? put a title 4- Give them the handout to read 5- Monitor. 6- Ask them to work in pairs and agree on one title 7- ICQs: will you give me 2 titles or one? one 8- Take feedback Reading for specific: 1- T will say, individually read again but this time fill in the gaps with the new words Ask ICQs: - Will you answer with any words or today's words? today's words - Will you fill in the gaps? yes 3- After they finish, ask them to check in pairs 5- Give them the answer key 6- Provide feedback if needed

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Divide the class according to their numbers into groups or pairs 2. Ask them to discuss the following questions: * What do you accept about others? * What don’t you accept? * When was the last time you felt that you are not accepted? explain. 3- T asks ICQs: How many questions have we got? what are they? 4- T can present the questions using the PowerPoint 5- Monitor 6- write down their mistakes 7- take the content feedback 8- provide a language feedback

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