Bri Bri

TP4. Verb + Used to
Advanced level


In this lesson, students will understand the difference between "get used to" and "be used to". They will also practice creating sentences using these phrases to discuss aspects of their culture and the cultural norms of other countries.


Abc Face to Face Student Book
Abc TP4-Slides
Abc Google Form

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice be used to & get used to under the frame of adapting to different cultures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to increase their fluency of speech on the topic of their cultural adaptability.
  • To enable students to create working definitions of unfamiliar phrases when given contextual texts


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce context and start students thinking about what is or isn't familiar to them

Students will share with class what difficulties they faced with leaving their childhood homes. For some this move might be to a different building, city, or country. The students will compare difficulties and be prompted by teacher to contrast what is now familiar or still not normal for them to experience and why?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a short passage about Mongolian life

Students will have 4 minutes to skim a passage about a teacher who moves to Mongolia and her struggles with diet. The passage contains 3 examples of the target language. Students are tasked to identify what was and is strange to the author and why? They will begin to understand how Lottie changed and recognize the pattern between Lottie's word choice and her familiarity.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To introduce students to the target language and its significance to the text

Students must use context to understand if the target languages sentences are relevant or irrelevant to the question of Lottie's familiarity with certain aspects of her diet, and if relevant, how does it play in. They will then be asked to share their thoughts and identify if they agree with Lottie or not using the target language.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students will first match definitions to the target language and use 2 sentences with identical form and word choice to differentiate the meanings of the two. Next they will analyze the form of the 4 sample sentences in the exposure reading. Their task is to name the tenses and compare. This is meant to identify and categorize the different potential forms of the language. During this time pronunciation practice will be analyzed and corrected if necessary.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To check understanding of the target language and prepare students for sentence creation

Students will be given a google form link and sent to break out rooms. Each group will have 4 minutes to fill their form out to the best of their abilities. There are 5 multiple choice questions. After, students will get to look at the completed answer sheet and compare what answers were correct and incorrect. At this stage students will also be asked to give a rationale as to why this is not correct.

Free Practice (12-16 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students will be given a set of six cultural norms. Students will then be asked to use the target language to describe their familiarity with some customs and why? They will be sent to different break out rooms for about 5 minutes to discuss. Teacher will be listening to the conversations and writing some good and bad sentence grammar related to the target language. Students will have a moment to share their thoughts and then correct some sentences grammar.

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