Iuliia Iuliia

TP Grammar
Upper-intermediate level


Abc Google forms for first 'test' stage
Abc Learning Apps for the second 'test' stage

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of definite and indefinite in the context of visiting different geographical objects, and practised this in a controlled and freer exercises.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in the context of talking about a dream holiday


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Lead-in. T shows Slide 1 of the presentation with photos related to travelling and visiting natural sites. What are all these photos about? T elicits ideas like travelling and visiting different places. Slide 2. Instructions: Talk to your partners for 2 min about the place you’ve visited in the recent years in your country or abroad. T demos the task by saying: Last summer I went to Austria and we stayed in Vienna. We visited different cultural sites as well as some nice natural landmarks like the Danube River. ICQ How much time do you have? ( 2 min) Then T sends the Ss to BoR and then conducts a short feedback on there findings.

Test #1 (8-9 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

1. T provides Sss with an example from the lead-in containing an article and elicits what it is. Then T says: fill in the gaps with a/an or the where needed individually for 3 min, before you go into BoR. ICQs. 1. Do you need to fill-in all the gaps? ( no, sometimes no article is needed) 2. Are you starting to work individually or in BoR? (individually) 2. In 3 minutes T sends Ss into BoR to compare and discuss the answers. 3. When the Ss are back from BoR T shows the keys, asks which sentences they had mistakes in. Next T moves to 'teach' stage

Teach (8-9 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Taking into consideration all the information received from the Ss and while monitoring in BoR T proceeds with the clarification stage where MFP of the articles is covered. First, T deals with zero article and then in turns indefinite and definite articles. (in this lesson T mostly deals with general rules and use or non-use of articles with place names). T asks CCQs and elicits the examples of use and non-use of the articles and categorise them when possible and talk about exceptions. What's more, T pays attention to the difference in forms by asking the questions like: Do we put 'a' or 'an' before a word that starts with a vowel sound like 'ocean'. What about an article before 'university'? ( 'a' as there is a consonant sound 'j'). T also draws Ss attention to the strong and weak forms of 'a' and 'the', and the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the definite article before vowel and consonant sounds.

Test #2 (7-8 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T tells Ss they will work individually for 2 min to fill in the gaps in the text about Canada that they will see on the slide. After that the Ss are sent to BoR again in order to compare the answers together using a gap-fill task on learningapps.org. The Ss check the answers in the app when they finish. When the Ss are back to OC T asks them where they had mistakes and how easier it was at the second try.

Free practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T starts by giving the following instructions: Let’s imagine you could go anywhere in the world/ your country. Plan what you’re going to speak about for two minutes, after that, you will share the plan about your dream trip with your partners. Use as many articles ( or nouns with zero articles as you can). Demo: I’d like to go on a trip to Brazil. First of all, I would travel to the Amazon which is the greatest river in South America. ICQs: 1. Do you start working individually or with your partners straight away? (individually to plan what to speak about) 2. What do you need to use in the description? (articles or zero article) Then T sends Ss to BoR for 5 minutes to share their ideas. T also points out Ss need to decide if they would like to have such a holiday and ask follow-up questions if necessary. Then all the students come back to OC and share what they found out about their partners.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of artiles

First, T conducts content FB based on their findings from the speaking stage. Possible questions: would you like to visit the same place? T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production and sets a task in pairs for learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones with focus on articles. Then T deals with the OCFB and gives the right answers and also comments on good language if needed.

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