Diana Diana

TP3 LP_Diana Shvindina
Pre-Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide students with clarification and practice of lexis for describing food

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with an opportunity to develop their speaking skills by freer practice in the context of food
  • To give students an opportunity to practise scanning by reading a chef's blog about the food she cooks
  • To enable students to discover and practice the MPF of 8 new lexical terms in the context of food


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage learners, make them aware of the topic and activate their schema

1. T welcomes Ss 2. T introduces the topic by showing Ss a cute video about a dog, tasting different types of food (1 min). 3. T asks students "What was the dog doing in this video?" (It was tasting food) and provides students with two questions and a sample answer: 1. What food do you like and dislike? Why? 2. Do you taste food while cooking? Why? (Google Jamboard) Instructions: Discuss this questions in BreakOut rooms. Take turns asking and answering the questions. You have 2 min. ICQs (if needed): Do you work in pairs or individually? (In pairs) Where can you find the questions? (In a google document or in a screenshot) 4. Ss have to answer two questions in BreakOut rooms and clarify their point of view: 1. What food do you like and dislike? Why? 2. Do you taste food while cooking? Why? (Google Jamboard screenshot or Google document) 5. Ss come back to the main session and share their answers with the teacher and the others.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language and develop reading for gist through a text about describing food

1. T introduces the text to Ss. (Google Jamboard) and asks them to identify the type of the text (this is a blog post). The text contains the target language: mild, hot, spicy, bitter, sweet, sour, plain, savoury. 2. T asks Ss to read the text and find an answer to the gist question: "Why does Jane love her job?" 3. Ss check their answers in small groups or pairs (they may use Google document). 4. T elicits answers to the gist question in open class discussion.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and develop scanning through the text about food

1. T provides Ss with a list of words (target language). (Google document) 2. T asks Ss to scan the text and underline the words from this list in small groups or pairs (Google document). 3. T checks the underlined words and provide Ss with the answers.

Clarification (MPF) (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning 1. T asks Ss to look at the highlighted words in the text and guess their meaning from the context. 2. Ss have to match the key words to their definitions. 3. T asks Ss to find pairs of opposites (mild - hot/spicy, bitter/sour - sweet, savoury - sweet) CCQ: Do these words describe ingredients or texture and taste? (texture and taste) Pronunciation. 3. T shows the key words again. Ss repeat them after the teacher (choral drill) to develop their pronunciation. T asks some students to read the words aloud in open class because Ss commonly mispronounce the vowel sound in mild, sour, savoury. 4. T asks the students to identify the stressed syllables. Form. 5. T elicits the parts of speech (adjectives) through showing the text with the key words again. CCQ: What part of speech do we often use after these words? (nouns)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. T asks Ss to read the task: "Complete each sentence with the correct word from the frame". ICQs: Are you going to fill in the blanks? (Yes) What words are you going to use? (The key words from the frame) Key words: Sweet, Hot, Spicy, Plain, Mild, Sour, Bitter, Savoury. Sentences: 1. Be careful. The chilli sauce is very _______. 2. Our family prefers _________ food with no sauces and a minimum of seasoning. 3. Chicken has a relatively ________ flavour, so it pairs well with other ingredients. 4. I don’t like these ______ pancakes. It is better to use less sugar while cooking. 5. I cannot drink tea without sugar. It taste _________. 6. This _______ steak is the best I've ever eaten! I like this type of meat! 7. This _______ citrus fruit is very good for your health! 8. I've just eaten something ______! Help! Bring me some water or milk! Answer Key: Hot/spicy, plain, mild, sweet, bitter, savoury, sour, spicy/hot. 3. T sends Ss to discuss their answers together in BreakOut Rooms. T also provides Ss with a Google document where they can make their notes together in groups or in pairs. ICQs: Do you need to discuss the answers together? (together) Should you make the notes online in a Google document? (Yes) 3. In a whole class discussion T asks Ss to share their answers in the Chat Box or just shares the answers on the screen. If there is only one group and most of the answers are right, T can demonstrate the Google document completed by Ss. and provide them with positive comments and answers.

Freer Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check further and develop students' fluency in speaking

1. T shows the task (Google Jamboard). Instructions: ‘Work in groups. Describe a type of food or drink, using as many key words as you can. Your partner should identify it. You may find the key words and the task in a Google document’. T may also provide students with an example: "This drink has a bitter taste. It may sometimes be sour tour. It is black and brown. People often drink it in the mornings when they are sleepy". (coffee) ICQs: Do you need to use all of the key words? (As many as possible) Can you describe many types of food? (Yes, but don't forget to take turns). Where can you find the key words? (Google document) 2. T sends Ss to BreakOut rooms. Ss describe the types of food and guess. 3. T observes Ss in BreakOut rooms. 4. Feedback - Ss share some of their descriptions with everyone to guess.

Delayed Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To correct learners without interrupting them at the previous fluency stage

1. T shares some students’ mistakes on the whiteboard in Zoom and corrects them with the students’ help.

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