Brenda Lizeth Zamora Espinoza Brenda Lizeth Zamora Espinoza

Functional language
Upper - intermediate level


In this lesson students will be provided functional language in the context of deciding who's coming to a party and explaining the list of guests.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in using the target language. Ss will be able to talk about a list of guests as well as agreeing and discussing seating plan.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a engaging conversation in the context of organizing a party.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will display a set of pictures related to two well-known celebrities while eliciting some ideas about them and who might be th ones who are at the table with some faces covered. Start brainstroming and annotating on the slide. T will write down Ss ideas. 1. Who are these ladies? Kardashians sisters. 2. Do you recognize these celebreties? 3. What's strange or unusual about the picture? 4. 3.Why are they together at the table? Once the context has been set, the ss are ready to move straight forward to meaning.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T will tell the ss to read a dialogue where Kardashians ara discussing about the dinner party. REd and identify the following questions: 1. Are they explaining the list of guests? How do you know? 2. Do Kendall and Kourtney agree on not inviting someone? Do you have any evidence in the text? 3. At some point of the conversation, did they talked about how to sit the guests? -Read the dialogue in the Jamboard slide 2. Pay special attention in the questions displayed on the slide. - Through a match activity as gist task, ss will identify the three main uses of the target language. -T will ask: 1. Does the question explain a reason? yes 2. is the question refering to an agreement? yes 3. Is the sentence describing how do the guests will be seated? yes "Great! We have discovered 3 main uses to express our ideas while planning a party".

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

MFPA using four useful expressions from the Content Preparation task. (M) Ss will be asked to identify three main uses of the expressions through accurate CCQs and displying a set of three uses ion the slide. CCQ: Is the sentence expressing agreement? CCQ: I s the question is refering to a reason? (F) Form T will focus on the unfixed part of the sentence where ss can modify it according to the context. Have them to practice in an odd one out practice before moving to Freerer practice. (P) T will focus on the strees of each sentence as well as the possible linking words. T models the forst on and ss do the same with the following in pairs. CCQ: Where is the stress in the following sentence? . (A) Appropriacy is neutral. Displaying a set of sentences Ss will discovered the register and form of the sentences. CCQ: Would you say it to a friend as well as a professor? yes, both of them

Productive Task(s) (7-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

In groups of 3-4, students will have a short conversation using the learned expressions. "Well, once we have identified six different expressions to talk about planning a party , and discovered they are classified into explaining the list of guest, making agreement and discussing seating plan it's time to move on and start planning our own party. " You are going to organise the most amazing Christmas party of all time. You'll invite 5 celebrities." - T will model an example with one of the students. " Ok Gerardo, let's think about our guest. I think that Amber Heard is the ideal guest because i want to know what exactly happened with Jhonny Deep. 1. Think and explain the possible list of guests. 2. Agree on who's going to attend the party. 3. Discuss how are you going to sit the guests. Work in teams and start planning the best party of all times. Let's go! " "Don't forget to use functional language" See the box below.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

OCFB with the group - how did they find the conversations? Would you like to briefly explain your list of guests? Do you easily agree on who will attend? Based on what will the T listen from their conversations, I´ll decide which expressions were weak and Ss will decide which is the problem. After that, we'll dicuss OCFB.

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