driss driss

kids introductory class
kids 4 level


This short lesson plan is intended to provide a supplementary activity for primary learners who have been working on the topic of countries. There is an assumption that learners will have already studied some related language (city, mountains, river, weather, tradition, food, etc.) and are familiar with the present simple and simple conjunctions such as so and because. In this activity, learners think about some of the features of their own country, then work together in groups to brainstorm ideas for a new country. Then they work in new groups to plan and produce a poster for their new country and use it to present their country to the class.


Abc Inventing a Country
Abc A3 size paper
Abc Colors, scissors and crayons, maps...
Abc Sofia's group notes

Main Aims

  • To recycle or extend previous language work on the topic of countries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide opportunities to use the language in speaking and writing • To raise learners’ awareness of some of the features of countries and encourage creativity • To develop planning and teamworking skills


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Split class into two groups with the board in the middle and hand each group a set of magnet alphabets. Give them hints and ask them to discuss with each-other and write what they understand on their side of the board. 1 I'm Violet, indigo, blue and green, yellow, orange and red; Rainbow 2. What falls from the sky in winter? Rain 3. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I? Wind 4. I touch your face, I'm in your words, Air 5. This is a type of plant Which sounds like something in the sky It is very yellow. Sunflower Sofia walks around the class and notes which group got it correct

Exposure (5-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

• Ask your learners which places in their country they’ve visited. What did they like and why? • Would they change anything about their country?

Task (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

• Tell learners they are going to complete a table with information about their country. Tell them to just write short answers, in the first column only. Give each pair or group of learners the worksheet and monitor as they complete it. • Ask learners to put a smiley face next to the things they like (the learners in each pair or group could use a different colour pen), then compare with another pair or group to see if they like the same things.

Generating ideas (5-10 minutes) • To help students brainstorm ideas to invent their new country

• Now tell learners that they are going to invent a new country. Tell them it needs to be an interesting country because they will need to get people to come and live there! • As a class, brainstorm ideas for one of the categories from the table – e.g. for weather: it’s sunny every day, it rains lemonade in summer, in winter the snow never blocks the street, etc. Demonstrate that they can use their imaginations. • Put learners in groups and (depending on how many learners you have) assign one or two of the other categories to each group (except for ‘name’). Each group has two minutes to brainstorm ideas for their category. Encourage creativity, e.g. food – candy pizza, cheese sausages; traditions – jumping up and down when you say hello, a special holiday every year to celebrate unicorns; currency – buttons, seashells, apple pips, etc. Monitor to help with language and check that learners stay on task and are thinking about their category only at this stage.

Planning (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to plan their new country

1. Regroup learners so that there is one person from each category in a new group. The easiest way to do this is to number the learners while they are in their old groups, then ask all the number ones to sit together, all the number twos to sit together, etc. These new groups will be the groups learners will work in to invent their country. 2. Tell learners they are now going to plan their new country by completing the second column in the table on the worksheet. Explain that for each category, the learner who was in that brainstorming group should share what ideas they had while the rest of the group listen, then as a group they discuss and decide. If someone else has another idea too, that’s OK – their final decision doesn’t have to be one of the ideas from the brainstorm. Then they move on to the next category and repeat. 3. Monitor while learners are sharing their ideas and discussing to make sure they stay on task, help resolve any disputes and ensure they only spend a few minutes on each category. 4. When they are finished, they should decide on the name of their country (you might like to tell learners explicitly before they start that this is the last thing to do, not the first!) and fast finishers could design a flag.

Reproduction (15-20 minutes) • To allow students to invent their own country

• Now tell learners that they are going to present their new country to the class, with a presentation entitled ‘You should come and live in [Doughnutsia] because …’. To prepare for this, they will need to: 1. make a map of their country 2. write some sentences about why it’s a good place to live, based on the categories, e.g. weather: ‘In Doughnutsia it rains lemonade every day, so you always have something sweet to drink!’ or money: ‘In Doughnutsia you always have money because our currency is apple pips’ 3. draw a little picture to accompany each idea Lesson plan 4. stick the map, sentences and pictures on A3 paper to make a poster. • In their groups, learners will need to decide who is going to do what to produce the poster. When they are ready, provide the materials they need and then monitor to check that they are on task. * Fast finishers could design extra things for the country, such as a flag, a passport or a national costume.

Presentation (6-8 minutes) • Students present once they are ready

• When the groups are ready, they present their country to the class. The learners in the audience choose at the end whether they would like to live there or go on holiday there (rather than ‘not live there’, to be kinder in case one of the groups’ country isn’t as popular).

Extended Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more freedom to come up with more ideas

• Learners could find out about another real country to tell their group or their class about next time. • Learners could write some laws for their new country and what the punishments for breaking them are.

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