Hamed Hashemian Hamed Hashemian

B1 (A mixed-ability class) level


In this lesson, students will learn how to describe someone with regard to their skills/abilities. They are also going to rely on collaboration by doing some collaborative tasks (speaking, jigsaw reading). They will additionally learn some new vocabularies regarding education (brainy, intelligent, unintelligent). Their awareness will be raised concerning future study and career.


Main Aims

  • To provide review, practice and clarification of Education (VIPs= Very Important People) in the context of VIPs (Celebrities, sports stars, Musician)
  • To provide scan and gist reading practice using a text about Education (VIPs= Very Important People) in the context of VIPs (Celebrities, sports stars, Musician)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Mingling activity (conversation) in the context of Education and skills


Warmer/Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greet students and do a riddle. Putting students in group of four and handing them puzzles. They are expected to put the different pieces of a picture together in order to form a picture. The images depict some renowned sports stars, international celebrities as well as politicians. Then they will be asked two question concerning the celebrities' background. 1: Who do you think is successful? 2: Does it come from a skill or education only?

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Put students in pair and hand them a handout that contains a question relevant to the topic. Giving them the opportunity to express their own viewpoints (personalization) in that respect. Collecting some ideas from students by means of a ball.

Pre-reading (Topic Specific Vocabularies) (4-6 minutes) • Clarification (pre-teaching)

Give each pair a word search containing 7 English synonyms with regard to "intelligent". It is considered to be a competitive task and in less than 3 minutes they are required to spot 7 words having the same meaning with "intelligent".

While reading (skimming) (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with the chance to get the gist

On the screen, they will be shown three photos and they will be put in groups of three. Each will be handed a short text extracted from their textbook, they will be assigned to read in 30 seconds then report back to the rest of their peers what their text is about.

While reading (Specific information, scanning) (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with the chance to get the details

They are required to open their textbooks (page 20) and focus on exercise 3 to find out if the statements are true or not. They will be able to do it either in pairs or individually (less than 3 min). Instructions will be given to them and they will be asked two ICQs: How much time do you have? Are you doing it individually or alone?

While reading (functional language) (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with the chance to get familiar with softening language

Through the power points, they are going to look at photos and see the changes through the person's feelings. He is ugly. _ _ _ _ _ _ He isn't very good looking. Then the rest of the sentences will be elicited from the pupils.

Post reading (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with the chance to make use of the language through speaking (mingling activity)

Each student will be handed a cut up containing a negative sentence and also a positive polite way as an alternative. They are required to stand up and walk around as a mingle activity to find the suitable answer. Then do the rock paper scissors the winner will get two of them as a reward.

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