sait sait

TP 8
Elementary, A2 level


In this lesson the students listens to seven short tracks. Firstly; they listen for gist. During the first listening they see pictures of the speakers. After the first listening the teacher asks them; ‘’How many people are speaking? Where are they going? Are they there now? What are they there? Why are they going there? There are some words that students need to learn before listening. The teacher elicits the vocabulary by the help of visuals. If students can’t answer, the teacher explains. Before listening for specific information the teacher sets the task. Students are given a handout. They circle the best summary for each speaker. Then they are given a second handout. In this activity they match the speaker and his plan. Later on, the teacher gives them the third handout. In this stage the students listens to the tracks and fill in the blanks with ‘’to be’’ or ‘’to be going to’’ Finally; in order to practice productive skills, students are asked to visit a city in turkey. They tell each other their plans for the visit. Teacher listens to them carefully. If there is a language mistake, the teacher does error correction.


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc the main pupose of the visit
Abc Matching the speker and his plan
Abc visuals.
Abc Listening track

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about Malta in the context of Different purposes to visit Malta

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel
  • To provide review of Future Tense ''be going to'' in the context of travel


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher reminds them the previous lesson. They made suggestions to visit a city in Turkey. The teacher asks them; Why should ı go to Mardin? Do you want to visit Malta. Why? e.g. Then The teacher explains that they are going to listen to a track about different purposes to visit Malta. He goes on the next stage to teach unknown vocabulary.

Pre-Listening (5-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Students might not be familiar with some words; castle, scuba diving, wedding, Maltese, scene. The teacher elicits the answers by the help of visuals.

While-Listening #1 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist,

Before listening the teacher sets the task. The questions are given before listening to the track; How many people are speaking? Where are they going? Are they there now? What are they there? Why are they going there? While listening students should think about the answers. After listening the teaccher gets some answers. After the answers and feedback, he goes on the next stage.

While-Listening #2, for specific information (6-7 minutes) • To provide students listen for specific information

Before listening for specific infotmation, the teacher sets the task. Student are given a handout. They are going listen the track again, and circle the best summary for each speaker. Students check their answers with their friends. Teacher gives the answer key and goes on the next stage.

while-Listening#3 (6-7 minutes) • To let the students to listen for detailed information

The teacher sets the task before listening. Each person in the track has a plan to visit malta. Students are givin a handout. They are going to match the speaker and his plan. After the feedback, the teacher goes on the next stage.

while-Listening#4 (6-7 minutes) • To provide students the target grammar in the text

Before speaking activty, they need to remember future and continuous tense. The script of the listening is given to them. They fill in the blanks with ''to be'' or ''to be going to.'' the teacher gives feedback and goes on the freer activity.

Freer Activity (6-7 minutes) • To provide freer activity to the students in order to practice productive skills

The teacher sets the task. Each student imagines a travelling plan to a city in Turkey. They are going to explain the purpose of the visit and explain their plans. They plan the journey in two minutes. Later on, the teeacher holds a board marker as if it is a microphone. One of the student speaks to the microphone. Then students work in pairs. They speak to each other. The lesson ends.

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