darwin vargas darwin vargas

Upper intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about giving advice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using an audio about giving advice.
  • To provide intensive practice using some paragraphs from an audio about giving advice


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. greets Ss. and shoes the topic of the lesson "giving advice" T. shows a meme about learning english to introduce the speaking lesson. T. birefly ask if the situation has happened to them and discuss tips for the situation. T. nominates Ss. to speak and also tells them they can write their ideas in the chat.

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening, a gist and, an intensive activity.

First, T. explains to Ss. that they will listen to an audio about people giving advice, and they are going to select the topics given in the Slide for each piece of advice. T. plays the audio and completes the first one with Ss. to model the activity. Then, T. plays the complete audio and Ss. complete complete by themselves T. shows the answer keys and nominates Ss. and ask them to compare. (e. g. are your answers similar or different ?) Second, T shows three pieces of advice (in written form) taken from the audio, with gaps in them. T. asks Ss. to fill in the gaps, matching the words on another column with the advice , by themselves. T. gives a demo with the first paragraph (e.g. the word "opportunity" is in the first gap of the first paragraph) And T. asks ICQ's to check understanding (e.g. where do you need to put the words in the columns) T. gives 3 minutes for every one to complete by themselves. After that, T. shares the answer keys and compare with Ss. their answers. T. reads briefly the answers and ask Ss. to compare (e.g. are your answers similar or different ?)

Clarification (8-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. shows some expressions from the listening in a Slide. First, checks meaning by asking the whole class to organize the sentences into Dos, Don'ts or both using ICQ's (e.g. is this expression positive or negative ?). T. checks form by writing two options, one correct and one incorrect. Ss. select one of the options and T. elicits the answer with the whole class. (e.g. what is the correct form: avoid running or avoid to run?) With the expression that use "to" T. ask Ss. what is the differences between them, and elicits the answers that is "infinitve verb" or "base form verb" T. elicits pronunciation (stress and weak forms) of the sentences Ss. using CCQs. (e.g. is the stress on the first or the second") T. nominates students to elicit the answers and makes choral and individual drillings.

Controlled Practice (5-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. shows a fill in the gaps activity from the website "Educaplay". T. explains that in groups or individually (depends of the quantity of Ss.) they will practice the expressions seen. T. explains the have 3 minutes to do the activity. T. shows a demonstration of the activity (T. shares the screen and solves the first gap, by selecting the correct answer and not writing. T. opens breakoutrooms and remembers they can share their screens to pratice together. After 3 minutes, T. shows the answer key and ask them to compare. (e. g. did you get the first/second one?)

Free Practice (13-13 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T. explains the task to the Ss. They will choose 2 or 3 topics (depending on time) to give dos and don'ts. T. shows in the screen the list of topics and the expressions they used previously. T gives a demo and ask ICQs ( e.g. for learning to play a guitar, take every opportunity to practice...)( ICQ's: what do you need to do with the topics) First, T. gives 2 minutes and asks Ss. to brainstorm ideas before discussing them in groups. Then T. opens breakout rooms and Ss. speak and T. monitors (5 minutes). After 5 minutes, T. changes the pairs and monitors ( 5 minutes). Finally, T nominates some Ss. and checks some answers.

Feedback and Error Correction (5-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T. checks on the board good language and mistakes made by Ss. and elicits the corrections from students using CCQ's, synonyms, antonyms, etc.

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