Asal Asal

Present continuous
Elementary level


In this lesson students will get familiar with present continuous tense and talk about "what are people doing?"


Abc Pictures( google image)
Abc Worksheets

Main Aims

  • Speaking for accuracy

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammer (am/is/are)+verb+ing


Warmer/Lead_in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students, to introduce the topic of what people are doing

After greeting I will show them some pictures then ask them some questions like "where are the people or what are they doing?" Then we go to the first page of the book and talk about it .(what are they doing?) Elicit sentences from the class as much as possible.

While Listening--presentation (5-8 minutes) • To make students more familiar with the main topic and explain it by talking about different actions

Now they should do the first part of the worksheet ,check the answers two by two and after that make 3 sentences with written words. I do some actions then ask them what am I doing? (With the written words in the book page 2) Now I change it to a game "Pantomime" ! (Group game) They should answer page 2 and after that we talk about it. I write some of the senteces on the board and start repetition then explain some grammatical points clearly.

Practice (3-5 minutes) • To review what they learn about present continuous and talk about it

Use book page 3 for more examples and repetition.(work with their partners) Then they should make 3 positive and negative sentences (present continuous) two by two. I give them the second worksheet for more practice.

Free practice/feedback (4-6 minutes) • Make sure ss can use present continuous well

Now we are gonna have a conversation for example what are your hobbies? + a game for relaxing They should guess what are people doing without any look for exapmle what is your mother doing now? Just guess maybe true maybe false .

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