Aya Aya

Writing Lp
intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to write family story. They will learn prepositional time clauses.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson students will have practiced their writing skills by writing a story about their family.

Subsidiary Aims

  • In this lesson students will be able to practice their speaking and vocabulary in the context of writing a family story using expression of time clause.


contextualizing • Get students more in the lesson

Warm up Ask s what is the topic of the text? (Amazing family story) what is the purpose of the story? (Talking about family history) who is the writer? (One family member) what is the target reader? (Telling story like what he reads on his family) Preview and do the task Have Ss read the example article. Ask, "What's the topic of the article?" [how the writer's parents met] Then ask some comprehension questions (e.g .Where did the writer's parents meet? [in college] What club did they belong to? [the cycling club] What kind of bike did the writer's mother buy? [a big heavy one]).

Modelling • letting students focusing on languages features.

Discussing some language features with students by asking them what kind of text do we have? (story) Did the writer use the present or the past tense to tell his story? (past) did the writer talk formal or informal? informal Present Help Note Read the information aloud. Say, "Verb + -ing with before and (soon) after tells when something happened. Notice that in the prepositional time clause, the subject is not stated. The subject of the prepositional time clause is the same as the subject of the main clause. Find and underline the four examples of prepositional time clauses." [Before starting college; Soon after arriving on campus; after seeing all the other cyclists with their bicycles; After realizing] (For more information, see Language Notes at the beginning of this unit.) • Write sentences such as the following on the board: After she got married, Mary moved to Singapore. Before they met in person, they spoke on the phone. S Have Ss rewrite the sentences using prepositional time clauses with after, before, and soon after [After getting married, Mary moved to Singapore.; Before meeting in person, they spoke on the phone.; Soon after meeting, they became inseparable.]. soon after they met, they became inseparable.

joinit constructions • teacher and students work together to write a good story

A Preview the task Read the instructions aloud. Ask individual Ss to each read a discussion question aloud. Recycle a conversation strategy Encourage Ss to make their meaning clear by repeating ideas. To model the task, have a S ask you the first question. In your answer, repeat ideas (e.g., My family background isn't very unusual. It's really pretty typical. My grandparents were. From ... ). B Do the task Have Ss discuss the questions in pairs. Tell them to make notes of the answers.

independent construction

In group • Preview and do the task Say, "Use your notes and write a story about your family. Use at least three time clauses." Have Ss write their stories. Tell them to use their ideas from Exercise 2A. • Say, "Now read your classmates' stories. Which one interests you the most? Tell the class." Have Ss put their stories on their desks or chairs. Tell Ss to move around the class and read at least five other Ss' stories. Have Ss note which story interests them the most and report back to the class.


s read a partner's story and then write two or three questions about It. Ss give their questions to their partner, who adds information to their story to answer the questions.

Warm up • let students having fun before involving in the lesson

Ask each student to give you one word they know. This can be a noun, an adjective, a preposition, anything they want to include in the story. Collect the words by writing them on the whiteboard. When you have all the words from your students written on the board, let them collaborate to tell a story with them. If they need help, you can ask questions like “How shall we start?” “Which word shall we use first?” or “What comes next?” Check off the words as the class tells the story, and make sure everyone gets a chance to contribute!

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